134 Unbelievable Animals that Start with U

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This is a fun game to play, name all the animals that start with U. I think it would be a short list but we found this long list of animals, and it has some interesting ones on it. Come read and learn about just a few of them and feel free to take your time and look up the ones we do not have information on as well. You will learn something new and be able to entertain at your next family gathering.

featured image with yellow background, bold title that says "Animals That Start with U" and images of animals that start with U

Do you want to learn about other animals? Be sure to check out our list of Weird Animal Facts and Animals that Start with T for more!

Commonly Known Animals That Begin With U

in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of a Uinta Chipmunk

Uinta chipmunk

Uinta chipmunks are also called hidden forest chipmunks. They live in the western US. They eat plants and seeds like those found in the cones of evergreen trees, as well as the fruit of local shrubs such as wild roses, raspberries, and chokecherries. They live alone and are most active during the day. They live in burrows under rocks, shrubs, and other things found on the forest floor.

Uinta ground squirrel

Uinta ground squirrels are from Wyoming west of the Green River, in southwestern Montana, eastern Idaho, and northern and central Utah. They live in open areas, such as meadows, and pastures. They eat plants like grass, seeds, and leaves, along with some earthworms and discarded human food. Each year they hibernate and when they wake up they start to gain weight.

in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of an Underwing Moth

Underwing moth

Underwing moths have many places they are from but most of them are from the US. They have bright orange and brown hindwings. The caterpillars eat the leaves of trees. The adults are mostly active at night. They have been seen flying around at noon as well, but most of the time they are out just at dusk.

Unstriped ground squirrel

Unstriped ground squirrels are from Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Djibouti, Eritrea, and Uganda. They like to live in savanna and subtropical or tropical dry shrubland. They eat leaves, tree fruits, seeds, other plant, and insects. They are most active during the day. They mostly live alone in burrows. They spend most of their day outside of them but sleep in them at night.

in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of an Upland Goose

Upland Goose

Upland Geese are known to eat leaves, stems, and seeds. They live in small groups on pasture type of land with short grasses They live in South America. They migrate and can fly at speeds of over 40 mph. They like to nest close to the water on the ground or in the low plants that are close to the ground. 

Utah prairie dog

Utah prairie dogs live in the south-central parts of Utah. They live on ditches and things that are a slow dip in the land but also have a lot of plant life. They live in burrows and dig them deep enough to be protected from predators. They eat plants mostly but will also eat some small insects. They live in family groups called clans. They forage from sun up to sun down. 

Zoo Animals That Start With U

in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of a Ulysses Butterfly

Ulysses Butterfly

Ulysses Butterflies are from Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. They are used as an emblem of tourism in Queensland, Australia. They have bright blue wings and black outlines on the top side of the wings and brown and black on the underside. They eat leaves of kerosene wood, a variety of Citrus, and Euodia as caterpillars and then as adults, they like to eat the nectar of the doughwood pink blossoms.

Upland Buzzard

Upland Buzzards are large birds of prey. They live in mountainous grassy and rocky areas in areas of Central Asia, northern South Asia, and East Asia. They are the largest buzzard. They usually hunt small mammals. They lay 2 to 4 eggs at once. 

in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of an Upland Chorus Frog

Upland Chorus Frog

Upland Chorus Frogs are from the US. they are not seen very often but you can hear them after a spring rain. They like to live in swampy areas of broad valleys, grassy swales, moist areas of woodlands, and borders of heavily vegetated ponds. They are usually brown, grey-brown, or reddish-brown in color, with darker blotching. They are active at night and can withstand freezing weather. 

Ural Owl

Ural Owls are from the all over Europe. They are very big owls. The females are a little bigger than the males. They have large ears. They live in forests. They like to live near openings. They are most active at night and mostly at dusk and dawn. The majority of what they eat are mammals. They have good eyesight so they sit on a perch and watch for their prey and strike..

in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of an Ussuri Tube0Nosed Bat

Ussuri tube-nosed bat

Ussuri tube-nosed bats are the only bat that hibernates in snowbanks. In the spring and fall, they usually roost in clumps of dead leaves, but it also utilizes tree cavities and peeling tree bark. They live in colonies and are made up of about 2 to 22 bats. The only other animal that is known to sleep in the snow is a polar bear.

Other Animals That Start With U

in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of a Uakari
  • Uakari 
  • Uaru Cichlid
  • Ucayali spiny mouse
  • Udzungwa Partridge
  • Uganda clawed frog
  • Uganda Kob
  • Uganda large-toothed shrew
  • Uganda nothobranch
  • Uganda Woodland Warbler
  • Ugandan shrew
  • Uguisu
  • Ukrainian brook lamprey
  • Uliodon 
  • Ulrey’s tetra
  • Ultimate shrew
in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of an Ultramarine Flycatcher
  • Ultramarine Flycatcher
  • Ultramarine Grosbeak
  • Ultramarine Lory
  • Uluguru Blue-bellied Frog
  • Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird
  • Umar Treefrog
  • U-mark sand perch
  • Umatilla dace
  • Umbee Cichlid
  • Umboi tube-nosed fruit bat
  • Umbrella cichlid
  • Umbrella conger
  • Umbrellabird
  • Umpqua chub
  • Umpqua dace
in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of an Unadorned Rock Wallaby
  • Unadorned rock wallaby
  • Umpqua squawfish
  • Unadorned Flycatcher
  • Unalaska collared lemming
  • Unarmed dwarf monocle bream
  • Unarmored threespine stickleback
  • Unau 
  • Uncas Skipper
  • Uncinate sculpin
  • Uncombed blenny
  • Underjaw kingfish
  • Underwood’s bonneted bat
  • Underwood’s long-tongued bat
  • Underwood’s pocket gopher
  • Underwood’s water mouse
in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of an Undulated Moray
  • Undulated moray
  • Undistinguished sabretooth
  • Undulate painted ray
  • Undulated Antpitta
  • Undulated Antshrike
  • Undulated Tinamou
  • Unexpected cotton rat
  • Ungava collared lemming
  • Ungusurculus collettei
  • Unicolor moray
  • Unicolored arboreal rice rat
  • Unicolored Jay
  • Unicolored oldfield mouse
  • Unicolored tree rat
  • Unicoloured Antwren
in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of an Unicolored Blackbird
  • Unicoloured Blackbird
  • Unicoloured Tapaculo
  • Unicoloured Thrush
  • Unicorn crestfish
  • Unicorn icefish
  • Unicorn leatherjacket
  • Unicorn sole
  • Unicornfish
  • Uniform Antshrike
  • Uniform Crake
  • Uniform Finch
  • Uniform Treehunter
  • Union snook
  • United-lip Gudgeon
  • Unlined Giant Chafer Beetle
in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of an Unspotted Saw-Whet Owl
  • Unspotted Saw-whet Owl
  • Unstreaked Tit-Tyrant
  • Unstriped tube-nosed bat
  • Upcher’s Warbler
  • Upemba mud turtle
  • Upjaw barb
  • Upland Antshrike
  • Upland bully
  • Upland Pipit
  • Upland Sandpiper
  • Upper Grijalva livebearer
  • Upper Zambesi labeo
  • Upper Zambesi squeaker
  • Upper Zambezi nembwe
  • Upper Zambezi yellowfish
in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of an Urchin
  • Urchin
  • Upsidedown catfish
  • Upside-down goby
  • Upside-down harptail blenny
  • Upturned snout rattail
  • Ural field mouse
  • Urartsk mouse-like hamster
  • Urchin clingfish
  • Urial 
  • Uribe’s False Cat-eyed Snake
  • Urich’s Tyrannulet
  • Uromastyx
  • Ursula’s Sunbird
  • Uruguay river sprat
  • Uruguay tetra
in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of an Usambara Blue-Bellied Frog
  • Usambara Blue-bellied Frog
  • Uruguayan eartheater
  • Usamacinta buffalo
  • Usambara Akalat
  • Usambara shrew
  • Usambara torrent frog
  • Usambara Weaver
  • Usangu lamp eye
  • U-spot wrasse
  • Ussher’s Flycatcher
  • Ussuri catfish
  • Ussuri sharp belly
  • Ussuri shrew
  • Usumacinta cichlid
  • Usumacinta sea catfish
  • Utah chub
  • Utah Lake sculpin
  • Utah sucker
  • Uzzell’s Lizard
in post image with yellow background, bold letter U, name of an animal that starts with U, and an image of a Uzzell's Lizard

So many animals! If you know any other animals that start with U, add them to the comments!

Be sure to check out our other animal lists.

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