Spark creativity and laughter by using these Would You Rather questions for kids, designed to encourage imaginative thinking and fun conversations.

These thought-provoking and kid-friendly prompts are perfect for family game nights, classroom activities, or long car rides, providing endless entertainment and interesting discussions. From silly scenarios to challenging choices, our questions cater to young minds, making it easy for parents and teachers to foster a playful and inclusive environment. Dive into our collection and watch children explore their preferences and reasoning in a fun and interactive way.
How To Play Would You Rather For Kids
Playing Would You Rather is like choosing between two surprises hidden behind doors number 1 and 2, but with your imagination! Here’s how you can play this super fun game with kids:
- Gather Everyone Around: Make sure all your friends or family are ready to play. You can play sitting in a circle or just lounging around the room.
- Ask Away! Someone gets to ask a question that starts with ‘Would you rather…?’ For example, ‘Would you rather be able to fly like a superhero or swim like a mermaid?’ The trick is, you have to choose between two things, and sometimes it’s really hard to decide!
- Take Turns Answering: Everyone else gets to answer which option they would choose and, if you want, you can also talk about why you picked it. Did you choose flying? Maybe it’s because you could soar high in the sky and wave at birds!
- Next Question, Please!: After everyone has answered, it’s someone else’s turn to come up with a ‘Would You Rather’ question. You can go in a circle or just decide who goes next.
- Keep it Friendly and Fun: Remember, every question should be something fun or silly, nothing that makes anyone feel uncomfortable. It’s all about having a good time and learning what silly or amazing choices your friends and family would make!
And that’s it! You keep asking wonderful questions until you’re all laughed out or ready for a new game. Would You Rather is a great way to see into each other’s imaginations and find out who would rather be a pizza-eating champion than discover a hidden treasure!”
General Would You Rather Questions For Kids
- Would you rather live in a Treehouse or an Igloo?
- Would you rather lick a dirty trash can or the bathroom floor?
- Would you rather make funny sounds all of the time or would you rather have a tree growing out of your head?
- Would you rather be able to slide down rainbows or jump on clouds?
- Would you rather hang out with your best friend for an hour every day or for a whole weekend once a month?

- Would you rather swim in a bayou with alligators or in the ocean with sharks?
- Would you rather be a genius and know everything or be amazing at any activity you tried?
- Would you rather be invisible or have the power to fly?
- Would you rather live in the clouds or underwater?
- Would you rather have a magic carpet that flies or your own personal robot?

- Would you rather never have to brush your teeth again or never have to take a bath or shower again?
- Would you rather be able to celebrate only your birthday or celebrate only Christmas?
- Would you rather ride in a hot-air balloon or go parasailing?
- Would you rather go on road trips or fly to a different country?
- Would you rather be a penguin with a brain of a human or a human with the brain of a penguin?

- Would you rather have purple hair or green hair?
- Would you rather be the worst player on a team that always wins or the best player on a team that always loses?
- Would you rather smell like cheese or broccoli?
- Would you rather have your clothes on backward or wear them inside out?
- Would you rather eat a dead bug or a live worm?

- Would you rather end world hunger or stop crime all over the United States?
- Would you rather play a hero or a villain?
- Would you rather fly a kite or sail a boat?
- Would you rather have one eye in the middle of your head or two noses?
- Would you rather have the power to heal or the power to fly?

- Would you rather go to the doctor or the dentist?
- Would you rather be really good at a musical instrument or be really good at sports?
- Would you rather jump into freezing water or run on hot pavement?
- Would you rather wear pants 3 sizes too big or shoes 3 sizes too small?
- Would you rather get chased by one giant goose or 100 small geese?

- Would you rather be on the football team or debate team?
- Would you rather sit on nails or sit on ice?
- Would you rather see a firework display or go to a concert?
- Would you rather be a scientist or an artist?
- Would you rather be a wizard or a superhero?

- Would you rather play one video game and be the best or have tons of video games that you aren’t very good at?
- Would you rather not be able to text or not be able to post on social media?
- Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren?
- Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
- Would you rather stand in a rain of marshmallows or jelly beans?

- Would you rather have an extra finger or an extra toe?
- Would you rather travel to every continent or only travel to your favorite place once a year, for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather brush your teeth with soap or drink sour milk?
- Would you rather wake up to a rooster or wake up to a dog licking your face?
- Would you rather not be able to see or not be able to talk?

- Would you rather experience the world beginning or ending?
- Would you rather have wings or be able to breathe underwater?
- Would you rather breathe in water or stand in fire?
- Would you rather only be able to crawl on all fours or only be able to walk backwards?
- Would you rather spend the day at the museum of your choice or spend the day at the store of your choice?

Would You Rather Food Questions
- Would you rather never eat pizza again or never eat burgers again?
- Would you rather bake brownies or make rice crispy treats?
- Would you rather always eat alone or always eat with someone else?
- Would you rather never eat chicken nuggets again or never eat onion rings again?
- Would you rather have cottage cheese with everything you eat or maple syrup with everything you eat?

- Would you rather eat all your food with too much seasoning or with no seasoning at all?
- Would you rather always get pizza with no sauce or Hawaiian pizza?
- Would you rather eat cat food or dog food for a month?
- Would you rather eat tiramisu or a slice of cheesecake?
- Would you rather have Burger King or McDonald’s?

- Would you rather always use coconut oil or olive oil?
- Would you rather try a new foreign cuisine or prefer familiar recipes at home?
- Would you rather eat pizza or ice cream as your own meal for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather not eat dessert for a month or not eat meat for a month?
- Would you rather drink soda or orange juice with every meal?

- Would you rather eat pizza for breakfast every morning or eat pancakes for dinner every night?
- Would you rather eat only hot foods or only cold foods ever again?
- Would you rather eat pizza or ice cream as your only meal for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather have cheddar popcorn or popcorn with movie theatre butter?
- Would you rather have candy or donuts for breakfast?

- Would you rather eat food that is square-shaped or eat food that is circle-shaped?
- Would you rather only cook using butter or olive oil?
- Would you rather have juice or water?
- Would you rather eat a grilled cheese sandwich or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
- Would you rather have bacon-flavored cookies or broccoli-flavored ice cream?

- Would you rather live in a world with only hot coffee or only iced coffee?
- Would you rather have classic pretzels or honey braided twists?
- Would you rather be able to cook any meal perfectly on the first try or be able to make any dessert perfectly on the first try?
- Would you rather eat a banana that isn’t ripe or too ripe?
- Would you rather drink an expired glass of milk or eat a worm?

- Would you rather eat a steak dinner or a seafood dinner?
- Would you rather have a never-ending supply of chocolates or an endless supply of ice cream?
- Would you rather give up junk food or meat?
- Would you rather eat gravy-flavored ice cream or mushroom-flavored ice cream?
- Would you rather have Lays or Ruffles?

- Would you rather only eat stuff that can be cooked in a microwave or only eat stuff that doesn’t need cooking?
- Would you rather swim in ketchup or stand up to your knees in mustard?
- Would you rather eat only pink foods or only blue foods?
- Would you rather eat in complete silence or complete darkness?
- Would you rather eat a banana dipped in mustard or an apple dipped in barbecue sauce?

- Would you rather eat a pizza topped with anchovies or topped with pineapple?
- Would you rather give up pasta for a year or give up tacos for a year?
- Would you rather give up cheese or chocolate forever?
- Would you rather eat dragonfruit or eat a jackfruit?
- Would you rather go out with friends for burritos or burgers?

- Would you rather eat cake on your birthday or eat tacos?
- Would you rather eat a raw onion or a whole lemon?
- Would you rather live in a world with no caffeine or a world with no meat?
- Would you rather give up apples forever or never eat another taco?
- Would you rather eat a Digiorno frozen pizza or a Tombstone frozen pizza?

Would You Rather Holiday
- Would you rather have a three-month summer break at home or a one-week vacation at your dream destination?
- Would you rather have to eat 1,000 chocolate Hanukkah coins or eat just one but with the wrapper still on?
- Would you rather be at home on Christmas and get lots of presents or go to Disneyland for Christmas but not get any presents?
- Would you rather visit the North Pole or visit Bethlehem?
- Would you rather have a Christmas tree tinsel for hair or have fingernails that light up like Christmas lights?

- Would you rather have a snowy Christmas or a hot Christmas with no snow at all?
- Would you rather eat Christmas cookies or gingerbread cookies?
- Would you rather watch The Grinch movie or Elf movie?
- Would you rather have to walk in the snow or drive in the snow?
- Would you rather have sunshine on Christmas or 3 feet of snow?

- Would you rather watch fireworks or ride a roller coaster?
- Would you rather be a turkey or a pilgrim?
- Would you rather smell like a pine tree or smell like a cinnamon stick?
- Would you rather make toys all year long or play with toys all year long?
- Would you rather see The Nutcracker or dance in The Nutcracker?

- Would you rather play video games or play with sparklers for the fourth of July?
- Would you rather watch a sad Thanksgiving movie or watch a scary Thanksgiving movie?
- Would you rather have candied carrots or candied corn?
- Would you rather chug gravy or chug pumpkin spice latte?
- Would you rather have to carry a giant beach bag or bring nothing to the beach?

- Would you rather spend a day with Mrs. Claus or Santa Claus?
- Would you rather have a beach vacation or a mountain vacation?
- Would you rather be a pilgrim at the first Thanksgiving or be a Native American at the first Thanksgiving?
- Would you rather live somewhere where the season was always Autumn or somewhere where Autumn never happened in the year?
- Would you rather spend a weekend at home to have a Thanksgiving dinner or spend the weekend vacationing elsewhere?

- Would you rather write a five-paragraph essay about the meaning of Christmas or solve a page of Christmas-themed math problems?
- Would you rather stay an entire Thanksgiving weekend with your parents while visiting home or stay the entire weekend at a local Airbnb?
- Would you rather have to eat only cranberry sauce for a day or have to only gravy for a day?
- Would you rather be forced to dress like a turkey or be forced to wear Fall colored-clothing for the entire Thanksgiving weekend?
- Would you rather have egg nog or hot cocoa?

- Would you rather sleep in on Black Friday or try your luck at the Black Friday sales right after Thanksgiving?
- Would you rather watch a heartwarming Thanksgiving movie with your family or The Macy’s parade by yourself?
- Would you rather eat Thanksgiving food every day or never again?
- Would you rather replace your yard with tinsel or pine needles?
- Would you rather have all your presents wrapped terribly or not have them wrapped at all?

- Would you rather be Mrs. Claus or the head elf in Santa’s workshop?
- Would you rather shovel the snow in the driveway or mow the lawn?
- Would you rather go Christmas caroling or go sledding?
- Would you rather celebrate Thanksgiving in the tropics or in a cold region?
- Would you rather Have a backyard barbecue or Go to a parade?

- Would you rather leave notes of gratitude everywhere or turkey hand drawings everywhere?
- Would you rather recount what you have been doing over the past year to a relative you hardly know or tell an embarrassing life story to everyone at Thanksgiving dinner?
- Would you rather have to cook the entire Thanksgiving meal or have to clean up the entire Thanksgiving meal?
- Would you rather take your picture with the Easter bunny or your close friends?
- Would you rather have Thanksgiving at the White House or with your family?

- Would you rather be forced to tell everyone you meet that you are thankful for what they have done or be forced not to express any gratitude for an entire day?
- Would you rather have to pull Santa’s sleigh for workouts or lift pumpkins?
- Would you rather eat only Christmas cookies or only drink hot cocoa?
- Would you rather be one of Santa’s reindeer or be one of Santa’s elves?
- Would you rather make a bunny craft or fill an Easter basket?

Would You Rather Questions For Little Kids
- Would you rather have four legs or four arms?
- Would you rather be able to slide down rainbows or jump on clouds?
- Would you rather ride on a rollercoaster or on a water slide?
- Would you rather eat s’mores or cupcakes?
- Would you rather be able to talk to dogs or cats?

- Would you rather see a ghost, or meet an alien?
- Would you rather see a unicorn or a dragon?
- Would you rather eat donuts or candy?
- Would you rather be a unicorn or a pegasus?
- Would you rather have 5 brothers or 5 sisters?

- Would you rather be a shark or a crocodile?
- Would you rather drink orange juice or milk?
- Would you rather be a dentist or a vet?
- Would you rather write or read?
- Would you rather color or paint?

- Would you rather go to the beach or go to the zoo?
- Would you rather be super strong or super fast?
- Would you rather be a bird or a horse?
- Would you rather eat a banana or a pear?
- Would you rather have a pet dog or a pet cat?

- Would you rather have a purple nose or green ears?
- Would you rather eat a cupcake or an apple?
- Would you rather drive a race car or fly a helicopter?
- Would you rather see a fireworks display or go to a concert?
- Would you rather drive a car or a bus?

- Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
- Would you rather be a prince or a princess?
- Would you rather eat a dead bug or a live worm?
- Would you rather be funny or smart?
- Would you rather be a princess or a dragon?

- Would you rather have fins or wings?
- Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?
- Would you rather fly a kite or swing on a swing?
- Would you rather be tickled every day or feel itchy every day?
- Would you rather play on swings or play on a slide?

- Would you rather drive a police car or an ambulance?
- Would you rather own a mouse or a rat?
- Would you rather play outdoors or indoors?
- Would you rather have blue hair or green hair?
- Would you rather live in the desert or on a deserted island?

- Would you rather be a wizard or a superhero?
- Would you rather swim in Jell-O or swim in Nutella?
- Would you rather be a butler or a robot?
- Would you rather live in a cave or a tree house?
- Would you rather eat a popsicle or a cupcake?

- Would you rather have a red nose or red eyes?
- Would you rather moo like a cow after every sentence or bark like a dog?
- Would you rather surf in the ocean with a bunch of sharks or surf with a bunch of jellyfish?
- Would you rather see a giant ant or a tiny giraffe?
- Would you rather live in a cave or a treehouse?

Would You Rather Questions For Preschool Kids
- Would you rather read a book or watch TV?
- Would you rather do school work as a group or by yourself?
- Would you rather write with a pencil or a pen?
- Would you rather be the smartest person in the room or have super strength?
- Would you rather learn to play guitar or piano?

- Would you rather write or read?
- Would you rather play at the sand pit or pool?
- Would you rather go to the doctor or the dentist?
- Would you rather go to work or to school?
- Would you rather eat meatloaf all day or macaroni & cheese?

- Would you rather watch a tv show or go on a field trip?
- Would you rather sing or dance in front of your class?
- Would you rather eat dog food or cat food?
- Would you rather have a funny teacher or a teacher that gives lots of hugs?
- Would you rather wear fairy wings or pajamas to school?

- Would you rather eat chips or candy?
- Would you rather swim with crocodiles or sharks?
- Would you rather eat pizza for every meal or ice cream for every meal?
- Would you rather be funny or smart?
- Would you rather have a pet goldfish or a pet snake?

- Would you rather turn into a cat or a dog?
- Would you rather be a boy or a girl?
- Would you rather have a tail that can’t grab things or wings that can’t fly?
- Would you rather drink chocolate milk or strawberry milk?
- Would you rather be a big tree or a pretty flower?

- Would you rather ride a very big horse or a very small pony?
- Would you rather have class parties everyday or get extra recess everyday?
- Would you rather use crayons or use a pencil?
- Would you rather color or paint?
- Would you rather listen to a story or music?

- Would you rather read a funny story or a true story?
- Would you rather ride a helicopter or a jet to school?
- Would you rather be a powerful wizard or a legendary ninja?
- Would you rather have fall or spring all year long?
- Would you rather play outdoors or indoors?

- Would you rather have super strength or super speed?
- Would you rather shop for books or shop for shoes?
- Would you rather have lots of friends or lots of pets?
- Would you rather wipe the tables or deliver a message?
- Would you rather be an athlete in the Summer Olympics or the Winter Olympics?

- Would you rather drive a firetruck or an ambulance?
- Would you rather fly an airplane or a space shuttle?
- Would you rather be a babysitter or a dog sitter?
- Would you rather ride a bike or ride a scooter?
- Would you rather ride a roller coaster or see a movie?

- Would you rather have a nose the size of Pinocchio’s or ears as large as Dumbo’s?
- Would you rather be able to talk to land animals or animals in the ocean?
- Would you rather eat smores or cupcakes?
- Would you rather never have to sleep or never have to eat?
- Would you rather go to an amusement park or for a hike in the mountains?

Would You Rather For Students
- Would you rather have nine-hour days at school or go to school year-round?
- Would you rather get caught farting or picking your nose?
- Would you rather be the smartest person in your class or the best athlete in the class?
- Would you rather spend more time in PE class or art class?
- Would you rather be able to read your teacher’s mind or your friend’s mind?

- Would you rather learn typing on a computer or cursive writing?
- Would you rather wear a silly hat or clown shoes to school?
- Would you rather go to public school or private school?
- Would you rather be the most popular person or the smartest person in your class?
- Would you rather read more or write more?

- Would you rather go to the doctor or the dentist?
- Would you rather wear oil-slick hair or a clown nose to school?
- Would you rather lick the bottom of your shoe or eat your boogers?
- Would you rather wear a uniform or casual dress to school?
- Would you rather be a part of a literary club or drama club?

- Would you rather work on a project or an essay?
- Would you rather have more hands-on activities or theory-based learning activities?
- Would you rather have homework daily or monthly assignments?
- Would you rather be able to write with both hands or write with one hand and draw with another at the same time?
- Would you rather study alone or have a study buddy?

- Would you rather start your school day with PE class or Drama class?
- Would you rather have small social media breaks between classes or one long recess?
- Would you rather have teachers play dress-up or students play dress-up at school?
- Would you rather play a prank on your teacher or your friend?
- Would you rather eat at the school cafeteria everyday or never eat at school cafeteria?

- Would you rather homeschool or attend school in person?
- Would you rather have an art class or music class?
- Would you rather be on the football team or debate team?
- Would you rather be good friends with the most popular student or have a group of close friends?
- Would you rather study geometry or algebra?

- Would you rather go on a trip with school friends or with family?
- Would you rather have your principal or teacher as your neighbor?
- Would you rather have a classroom discussion on academics or sports?
- Would you rather never take another test again or never have homework?
- Would you rather attend school of witchcraft & wizardry or school for gifted children?

- Would you rather do extra homework or stay in school for another hour each day?
- Would you rather write your own notes in a notebook or make digital notes?
- Would you rather go to school dressed as a Disney character or a Marvel character?
- Would you rather be homecoming king/queen or class president?
- Would you rather choose subjects to study or choose a teacher to study from?

- Would you rather have your favorite burger place or pizzia place at school?
- Would you rather have an AI robot or an alien as a teacher?
- Would you rather be the best singer or dancer?
- Would you rather win a spelling bee or a football game?
- Would you rather walk to school or ride the bus?

- Would you rather be the line leader or the flag helper?
- Would you rather ring the bell for recess or give a squirt of sanitizer?
- Would you rather sing on the school loud speaker or host trivia in your classroom?
- Would you rather bring lunch from home or eat school lunch?
- Would you rather ride a magical bus or a dragon to school?

Sports Would You Rather Questions
- Would you rather be the goalkeeper or the pitcher?
- Would you rather be the strongest player on a losing team or the weakest player on a winning team?
- Would you rather play pickleball or spikeball?
- Would you rather go water skiing or snow skiing?
- Would you rather watch or play a professional sport?

- Would you rather play tennis or table tennis?
- Would you rather be best in the high jump or the long jump?
- Would you rather be on a sports team or in a drama club?
- Would you rather be on your school sports team or be friends with your favorite sports celebrity?
- Would you rather play rugby or ultimate frisbee?

- Would you rather fly a kite or ride a scooter?
- Would you rather be good at ping-pong or fencing?
- Would you rather be an Olympic athlete or the President?
- Would you rather compete in running or in weight lifting?
- Would you rather go to watch a cricket match or a basketball game?

- Would you rather be a professional tennis player or a professional basketball player?
- Would you rather play a badminton match or a tennis match?
- Would you rather meet the president of the United States or win an Olympic gold medal?
- Would you rather never play a game or always lose the game?
- Would you rather be good at all sports that use a ball or all sports played in water?

- Would you rather be in a bike race or run in a marathon?
- Would you rather watch the Olympics or the World Cup?
- Would you rather be a professional hockey player or a professional speed skater?
- Would you rather play golf or go horse back riding?
- Would you rather sit in the front row for one game of your favorite team or go to 10 games but have bad seats?

- Would you rather watch the summer or the Winter Olympics?
- Would you rather watch a sports game or play a sports game?
- Would you rather play soccer or baseball?
- Would you rather win the first place in swimming race or a running race?
- Would you rather win the MVP award or a team championship?

- Would you rather be a coach or a referee?
- Would you rather go to the game or watch it on TV?
- Would you rather be a famous singer or the best athlete?
- Would you rather be the fastest swimmer or the fastest runner?
- Would you rather coach minor league baseball or a soccer team of eight-year-olds?

- Would you rather do a team sport or an individual one?
- Would you rather have a personal trainer or plan your workout regimen?
- Would you rather listen to the same playlist during every workout or not listen to any music?
- Would you rather play volleyball or play soccer?
- Would you rather talk to your favorite athlete for five minutes or have a season pass to their matches?

- Would you rather be as fast as a jaguar or as strong as an ant?
- Would you rather go to the gym or go for a run?
- Would you rather do cardio or heavy lifting at the gym?
- Would you rather do a toe touch or do arm circles?
- Would you rather use a racket or use a baseball bat?

- Would you rather watch a car race or a basketball game?
- Would you rather watch the Super Bowl at home with all your friends and favorite snacks or go to the Super Bowl by yourself?
- Would you rather run or do sit-ups?
- Would you rather do a pull-up or a pushup?
- Would you rather spend the day surfing or snowboarding?

Disney Would You Rather Questions
- Would you rather go to Disney World or Disneyland?
- Who would you rather be Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck?
- Would you rather swim with Nemo and friends or the Little Mermaid?
- Would you rather eat a poisoned apple like Snow White or kiss a frog like Tiana?
- Would you rather cook with Remy in Paris or Tiana in Louisiana?

- Would you rather prick your finger or eat a poisoned apple?
- Would you rather sail the high seas like Prince Eric or be king of the Jungle like Tarzan?
- Would you rather clean up after your ugly step-sisters or seven dwarfs?
- Would you rather have Elsa’s long white braided hair or have Merida’s red curly hair?
- Would you rather go to Neverland with Peter Pan and Tinkerbell or to Treasure Planet?

- Would you rather be in a fight with Gaston or Clayton?
- Would you rather be a character in UP or in WALL-E?
- Would you rather dance with a beast or dance with a frog?
- Would you rather take a ride on a magic carpet or ride with Lightning McQueen?
- Would you rather be controlled through your hair by a rat or magical creatures in your brain?

- Would you rather ring bells or paint walls with Rapunzel?
- Would you rather kiss a frog or be a frog?
- Would you rather live with enchanted talking furniture or try and save your kingdom with Anna?
- Would you rather spend all day eating food at Disneyland or be able to ride all the rides all day?
- Would you rather find Sulley the Monster in your closet or find Stitch under your bed?

- Would you rather have a fairy godmother or a genie?
- Would you rather go to Disney World Tokyo or Disney World?
- Would you rather binge-watch all the Disney’s animated movies or all of their live-action movies?
- Would you rather visit Mickey’s Playhouse or the Haunted Mansion?
- Would you rather be friends with Sven or Olaf?

- Would you rather be Elsa or Maleficent?
- Would you rather have a nose that gets bigger when you lie or forget everything like Dory?
- Would you rather memorize all the lines in A Bug’s Life or Finding Nemo?
- Would you rather have an enchanted Fairy Godmother or a Magic Genie in a lamp?
- Would you rather build a snowman or build a robot?

- Would you rather live in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or in Cinderella’s beautiful castle?
- Would you rather be a car in Cars or be one of the emotions in Inside Out?
- Would you rather dance with Prince Charming at a royal ball or canoe down a giant river with Pocahontas?
- Would you rather have magical hair or ice powers?
- Would you rather work at Monsters Inc. or at Gusteau’s?

- Would you rather ride the Teacups ten times in a row or listen to the “It’s a Small World” song all day?
- Would you rather learn archery or sword fighting?
- Would you rather lose your voice or lose your magic hair?
- Would you rather be as sweet as Minnie Mouse or be as beautiful as Snow White?
- Would you rather eat an ice cream sundae on Main Street or get churros in Cars Land?

- Would you rather have a dog like Lady or Tramp?
- Would you rather be accident prone like Goofy or have a bad temper like Donald Duck?
- Would you rather get soaking wet on Splash Mountain or get splashed by water riding the rapids in the Grizzly River Run?
- Would you rather borrow an outfit from Minnie Mouse or trade closets with Jasmine?
- Would you rather hug Sulley or Mike Wazowski?

- Would you rather see the fireworks over the Disney Castle or watch the floating lights in Rapunzel’s kingdom?
- Would you rather go tractor tipping or dance with Wall-E?
- Would you rather have tea with Alice in Wonderland or spaghetti with Lady and the Tramp?
- Would you rather be Cinderella or Belle?
- Would you rather watch new Disney or classic Disney?

Animal Would You Rather Questions For Kids
- Would you rather have scales like a fish or fur like a grizzly bear?
- Would you rather be a monkey or an elephant?
- Would you rather have teeth like a mouse or claws to climb trees?
- Would you rather get spit on by a camel or sprayed by a skunk?
- Would you rather hold a spider or a snake?

- Would you rather be fast like a cheetah or strong like a gorilla?
- Would you rather be able to walk on all fours like a dog or fly through the air like an eagle?
- Would you rather be an anteater or a platypus?
- Would you rather meow like a cat or tweet like a bird?
- Would you rather live with a lion or thousands of spiders?

- Would you rather live with a lion or thousands of spiders?
- Would you rather have to walk like a crab or squawk like a chicken?
- Would you rather live in the desert or a rainforest?
- Would you rather have wings, claws to climb trees, and feathers like birds or fins for swimming underwater with scales like fish?
- Would you rather have lice or fleas for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather bark like a dog or squeak like a guinea pig?

- Would you rather hug a panda or a kangaroo?
- Would you rather walk on four paws like a dog or fly like a bird?
- Would you rather ride an elephant or a horse?
- Would you rather be sprayed by a skunk or chased by a lion?
- Would you rather be an alligator or a porcupine?

- Would you rather be a koala or a sloth?
- Would you rather get a pet dog from a pet store or from a shelter?
- Would you rather ride a horse or a camel for hours?
- Would you rather have a third eye like a cyclops, or webbed-feet like a frog?
- Would you rather be a black bear or a grizzly bear?

- Would you rather be a chimpanzee or an elephant?
- Would you rather fight a bear or a puma?
- Would you rather have a pet pig or a pet goat?
- Would you rather pet a goat or a chicken?
- Would you rather be able to breathe underwater like a fish or fly in the air like a bird?

- Would you rather live in the sky, on land, in the ocean, underground?
- Would you rather be as strong as an elephant or as fast as a cheetah?
- Would you rather have a salamander or a spider as a pet?
- Would you rather have a bed for your pet inside your house or a little house for it outside?
- Would you rather live like a cheetah or a zebra?

- Would you rather box a kangaroo or run in a race against a cheetah?
- Would you rather be a kangaroo or a panda bear?
- Would you rather have ears like a rabbit or a neck like a giraffe?
- Would you rather feed your pet one time a day or feed it all day long?
- Would you rather live the life of a free bird or a fish of the sea?

- Would you rather be able to talk to animals or read people’s minds?
- Would you rather be a seal or a penguin?
- Would you rather eat like a pig or smell like a skunk?
- Would you rather have a cat tail or a bunny tail?
- Would you rather save 5 kittens or 5 puppies?

- Would you rather be big like a blue whale or small like an ant?
- Would you rather have claws and whiskers like a cat or fins that swim underwater like fish?
- Would you rather move like a tortoise or move like a caterpillar?
- Would you rather own a mammal or a reptile?
- Would you rather keep a dolphin or a monkey in your house?

Gross Would Rather Questions For Kids
- Would you rather eat soap bubbles or muddy water?
- Would you rather swim in a tank of spiders or snakes?
- Would you rather kiss a toad or get bit by a rattlesnake?
- Would you rather watch someone pick their nose while you eat or watch someone pick their toenails while you eat?
- Would you rather have to smell farts all the time or have to smell garbage all the time?

- Would you rather have to wipe your bum with leaves or with a pinecone?
- Would you rather eat your own booger or lick your own foot?
- Would you rather live in a house with one cockroach or 50 flies?
- Would you rather lick a handful of sand or eat a handful of sand?
- Would you rather find blood in the bathtub or turn on the shower and have blood pour out?

- Would you rather have your house smell like farts, or burnt food?
- Would you rather sneeze out gold or burp diamonds?
- Would you rather get sprayed by a skunk or spit on by a llama?
- Would you rather go to the grocery store in your underwear or go to the beach without sunscreen?
- Would you rather have bad breath for the day or smell like rotten eggs for the day?

- Would you rather eat your own hair or your toenails?
- Would you rather scratch your bum or pick your nose in public?
- Would you rather drink a glass of pickle juice or a glass of vinegar?
- Would you rather pet a poisonous snake or run from a poisonous snake?
- Would you rather wear diapers for a month or sleep on the floor?

- Would you rather drink pig milk or reindeer milk?
- Would you rather eat fish ice cream or drink dirty water?
- Would you rather have an ear wax and jelly sandwich or a booger and jelly sandwich?
- Would you rather have a bucket of slime poured on you or a bucket of live fish?
- Would you rather eat a raw octopus or chicken feet?

- Would you rather have to eat a spider or hold a snake?
- Would you rather drink toilet water or bounce on a trampoline with moldy fruit?
- Would you rather go without shampoo for the rest of your life or toothpaste for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather lick the bottom of someone else’s shoe or the sole of their feet?
- Would you rather drink sour milk or a full cup of lemon juice?

- Would you rather have your bedroom smell like fish or dog poop?
- Would you rather stand behind a farting elephant or a farting rhinoceros?
- Would you rather eat a chunk of hair or a cup of sweat?
- Would you rather never have a life without air conditioning or never be able to use deodorant?
- Would you rather eat a large can of dog food or a large plate of rotten apples?

- Would you rather fart in front of your girlfriend or in front of the pastor?
- Would you rather brush your teeth with toothpaste that taste like hot dogs or pizza?
- Would you rather sniff a cat’s bum or eat a bowl of cat food?
- Would you rather have to eat bad food for a week or wear dirty clothes for a year?
- Would you rather smell someone’s armpit or smell their feet?

- Would you rather drink water from a dog bowl or a puddle?
- Would you rather have a spider sleep in your hair or your ear?
- Would you rather sleep in a barn or in a bathroom for a night?
- Would you rather pick up dog poop for a week or take out the garbage for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather have 20 mosquito bites or one large pimple on your cheek?

- Would you rather eat raw food or eat rotten food?
- Would you rather eat an ice cream dipped in sand or an ice cream dipped in dirt?
- Would you rather eat a rotten egg sandwich or a rotten tuna fish sandwich?
- Would you rather do a loud fart and have everyone know you did it, or a really stinky one and have nobody know?
- Would you rather hiccup bubbles or burp worms?

Funny Would You Rather Questions For Kids
- Would you rather be called Boo Boo or Willy Willy Wonka?
- Would you rather lose a leg or lose an arm?
- Would you rather fly to work or teleport to work?
- Would you rather have to ride an elephant or a camel to school?
- Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?

- Would you rather kiss a frog or kiss a llama?
- Would you rather have to drink everything from your ears or eat everything with your bellybutton?
- Would you rather live inside a banana or a watermelon?
- Would you rather smell like a camel or smell like a skunk?
- Would you rather have to eat two full lumps of sugar or eat one small pinch of salt?

- Would you rather be able to hear things no one else could or see things no one else could?
- Would you rather make a cake out of mud or make a cake out of hair?
- Would you rather sweat sticky lemonade or have your breath always smell like garlic?
- Would you rather catch a frog or a fly?
- Would you rather not have pubic hair or have hair all over your face?

- Would you rather have to eat with your feet or walk with your hands?
- Would you rather take a skunk for a walk or a porcupine?
- Would you rather fart in public or pee your pants in public?
- Would you rather sound like a cow mooing every time you laughed or sound like a chicken every time you scream?
- Would you rather work at NASA or the FBI?

- Would you rather have a single pair of eyes on the back of your head of one pair of eyes on each side of your head?
- Would you rather dress as a school principal or a math teacher?
- Would you rather wear your underwear on the outside of your pants for a day or wear the same underwear for a week straight?
- Would you rather have a house that is built with jello or a car that is made with graham crackers and honey?
- Would you rather eat 1000 smarties or a 1000 lb chocolate bar?

- Would you rather look like a skunk or smell like a skunk?
- Would you rather have a pie smashed onto your face or be sprayed with silly string?
- Would you rather be a clumsy ninja or a wizard with amnesia?
- Would you rather teach someone a new joke or a new dance?
- Would you rather have 10 fingers on each of your hands or 10 toes on each foot?

- Would you rather have very fat arms and skinny legs or very fat legs and skinny arms?
- Would you rather drink swimming pool water or toilet bowl water?
- Would you rather have uncontrollable farts all day or have your pants fall down in public?
- Would you rather name your own island or be able to name your own sports team?
- Would you rather have bad breath or stinky armpits for the rest of your life?

- Would you rather jump into a frozen lake or into a pile of jello?
- Would you rather have four arms or only one?
- Would you rather kiss a frog or lick a slug?
- Would you rather have to brush your teeth with baking soda or dish soap?
- Would you rather look at everything that’s far away by using binoculars or look at tiny things close up with a microscope?

- Would you rather have a self-driving car or a spaceship?
- Would you rather climb a mountain or scuba dive in the ocean?
- Would you rather be able to use rainbows as slides or use clouds as trampolines?
- Would you rather swim in a pool of chocolate or play on a field of milky way bars?
- Would you rather have a foot long nose or a foot long tongue?

- Would you rather carry 1000 spider-sized lions or 1 lion-sized spider?
- Would you rather glow pink every time you have a crush on someone or glow red every time you’re annoyed with someone?
- Would you rather lay in bed with your favorite stuffed animal or your favorite blanket?
- Would you rather have the head of a lion on your human body or have a human head with a lion’s body?
- Would you rather constantly have to cough or constantly have to sneeze?