Have you ever wondered what animals start with F? Well we have put together an exciting list of animals that begin with F for you to read and explore. We hope you have a fun time learning about new animals!
Commonly Known Animals That Begin With F
Here is a list of some fun facts about some animals that you might already know! Have fun learning more about these fun animals!
Fainting Goat
Fainting Goats live between 15-18 years. They like to eat plants. When Fainting goats are scarred their muscles tense up and don’t relax which causes them to fall down. They are raised to be pets or show animals.
Falcons are extremely fast birds. They can see, chase, and kill their prey efficiently and quietly. They can fly up to 242 miles per hour. Falcons can see their prey 2 miles away! They aren’t picky when it comes to their food and will eat anything they can catch.
Ferrets normally eat meat and have long skinny bodies with short legs. They are very curious and like to explore their surroundings with their mouth. Domestic ferrets will live 4-6 years while wild ferrets will only live 1-3 years. They love to eat raw meat.
Field Mouse
Field Mice are very adaptable. They can fit through cracks, crevices, and small holes to get into buildings and homes. Field Mice have a lot of fur that makes them look bigger to scare off some of their predators.
Fire Ant
Fire ants don’t have ears but they do have wings. They are very strong and can lift 20 times their weight. If there is a flood they will bind together to make a raft.
Fireflies are actually beetles. They use their light to talk to other fireflies. They have a special chemical in them called luciferin that when mixed with oxygen will make light at the end of their abdomen.
There are over 30,000 types of fish. They breathe underwater with help from their gills. A lot of fish don’t have eyelids. Fish can swim fast with help from their scales.
Flamingos can sit in the water and filter feed for hours a day. The place where we see a flamingo bend its leg is its ankle, not its knee! They have amazing balance and can stand on one leg. They get their color from their food.
Fleas have strong legs and are great jumpers. They like to live in the fur of pets and can be killed with heat and soap.
Flies have 5 eyes and three pairs of legs. They live everywhere in America except the south and north pole. They taste with their feet and they don’t chew.
Flying Squirrel
Flying Squirrels have night vision. They can glide 300 feet and take 180-degree turns. They have been around for 160 million years! Their front teeth never stop growing and they can find food underneath a foot of snow.
Forest Elephant
Forest Elephants are the smallest breed of elephants. They don’t live in the savanna instead they live in rainforests. They eat leaves, seeds, fruit, grasses, and tree bark.
Foxes have long whiskers and claws that can retract. They like to hunt alone instead of in packs. Parents will take turns hunting food for their pups and bring it back home. Foxes can make 40 different sounds!
French Bulldog
French Bulldogs are known for their big eats that stand straight up and have rounded tips. They are great watchdogs and companions. They are alert, playful, and affectionate.
Frogs use their eyes to help them eat. When they swallow food they pull their eyes don’t into the roof of their mouth and help push the food down their throats. Some frogs can freeze almost solid in the winter and then thaw unhurt in the spring.
Fruit Bat
Fruit bats are big bats that like to live in warm climates and eat fruit. They sleep hanging upside down in trees during the day and search for fruit during the night. They like to sleep in groups and live between 5-30 years.
Fruit Fly
Fruit flies only live between 8-10 days. They love to eat fruit and they use old rotting fruit and vegetables as their nests and the female lays around 500 eggs. They love to eat rotting fruit.
Other Animals That Start With F
- Falabella Horse
- Fainting Goat
- Fairy-Bluebird
- Fairyfly
- Fairywren
- Falcated Duck
- Falcon
- Fall webworm
- Fallow Deer
- Fallow Mouse
- False blister beetle
- False click beetle
- False Clown Anemonefish
- False Coral Snake
- False Killer Whale
- False Water Cobra
- Fan Mussel
- Fan-tailed Raven
- Fan-tailed Warbler
- Fanged Sea Snake
- Fangtooth
- Fangtooth Fish
- Fantail
- Faroe Pony
- Faroese Sheep
- Faverolles Chicken
- Fawn-breasted Tanager
- Fawn-colored Bunting
- Feather Star
- Fell Pony
- Fennec Fox
- Fennec Hare
- Fennec Jerboa
- Feral Cat
- Feral Pig
- Ferghana Horse
- Ferret
- Ferruginous Hawk
- Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
- Fiddle Beetle
- Fiddler Crab
- Fiddler Ray
- Field Mouse
- Field Spaniel
- Field Vole
- Fieldfare
- Fiery Skipper
- Fiji Iguana
- Fijian Blind Snake
- Fijian Crested Iguana
- Fila Brasileiro
- Filefish
- Fimbriated Moray Eel
- Fin Whale
- Finch
- Finescale Triggerfish
- Finless Porpoise
- Finless Seal
- Finnhorse Trotter
- Finnish Grey Landrace Pig
- Finnish Horse
- Finnish Landrace Goat
- Finnish Lapphund
- Finnish Spitz
- Finsch’s Wheatear
- Fire Ant
- Fire-bellied Toad
- Firebug
- Firefinch
- Firefly
- Firefly Squid
- Fischer’s Lovebird
- Fish
- Fish Eagle
- Fisher
- Flameback
- Fisher’s Pygmy Squirrel
- Fishing Cat
- Five-colored Barbet
- Five-lined Skink
- Fjall Cattle
- Flabellina Nudibranch
- Flame Scallop
- Flame-rumped Tanager
- Flame-throated Sunangel
- Flamecrest
- Flamingo
- Flamingo Reef Lobster
- Flamingo Tongue Snail
- Flap-necked Chameleon
- Flat-tailed Gecko
- Flapjack Octopus
- Flapshell Turtle
- Flat Rock Lizard
- Flat-coated Retriever
- Flat-footed Fly
- Flat-headed Cat
- Flat-headed Dog
- Flat-headed Snake
- Flat-headed Titi
- Flat-tailed Horned Lizard
- Flatback Turtle
- Flatbill
- Flatfish
- Flatheaded Borer
- Flatworm
- Flea
- Flemish Giant Rabbit
- Flesh fly
- Flicker
- Florida Cracker Cattle
- Florida Cracker Horse
- Florida Native Cow
- Florida Panther
- Florida Spiny Lobster
- Florida Stone Crab
- Flounder
- Flower Beetle
- Flower Chafer
- Flower Crab Spider
- Flower Hat Jellyfish
- Flowerpecker
- Flowerpot Snake
- Flufftail
- Fluffy Lop Rabbit
- Fluke Fish
- Fluke Whale
- Fluted Giant Clam
- FluviaL Oriole
- Fly
- Flycatcher
- Flycatching-Thrush
- Flycatching-Warbler
- Flying Fish
- Flying Lemur
- Flying Squid
- Flying Squirrel
- Foal
- Forest beetle
- Forest Buffalo
- Forest Cat
- Forest Cobra
- Forest Dragon
- Forest Elephant
- Forest Skink
- Forest Wagtail
- Fork-tailed Drongo
- Fork-tailed Palm-Swift
- Fork-tailed Swift
- Forktail
- Formosan Mountain Dog
- Formosan Sika Deer
- Fossa
- Fossil Stonefly
- Foundland Dog
- Four-eyed Fish
- Four-eyed Turtle
- Four-horned Antelope
- Four-lined plant bug
- Four-lined Snake
- Four-striped Grass Mouse
- Four-toed Hedgehog
- Fourspot Butterflyfish
- Fox
- Fox Sparrow
- Fox Squirrel
- Fox Terrier
- Franche-Comte Hound
- Franche-Montagne Horse
- Franklin’s Gull
- Free-tailed Bat
- Freiberger Horse
- Freisian Milk Sheep
- French Alpine Goat
- French Angelfish
- French Bulldog
- French Longue Dog
- French Saddle Pony
- Freshwater Crocodile
- Freshwater Stingray
- Friesian Red and White Cattle
- Friesian Spotted Sheep
- Frigatebird
- Frilled Anole
- Frilled Coquette
- Frilled Dragon
- Frilled Lizard
- Frilled Octopus
- Frilled Shark
- Frilled-Necked Lizard
- Fringe Tree Coral
- Fringe Tree Frog
- Fringe-eared Oryx
- Fringe-limbed Treefrog
- Fringe-lipped Bat
- Fringe-tailed Myotis
- Fringe-toed Lizard
- Fringehead
- Frisian Horse
- Frisian Waterfowl Duck
- Frizzle Chicken
- Frog
- Frogfish
- Frogmouth
- Frogspawn Coral
- Fruit Bat
- Fruit Dove
- Fruit Fly
- Fulani Sudanese Zebu
- Fulmar
- Fungus Gnat
- Fungus Beetle
- Fur Seal
- Furry Moth
- Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish
How cool are all of these animals! We had such a fun time putting this list together and learning about these animals alongside you. Let us know what animal is your favorite!