When was the last time your kids asked you about animals that you knew you needed a list of animals that begin with G? I know that happened to me all the time with my kids and I had a hard time coming up with a list on the spot. You are in luck, we have compiled a list for you! So explore together a list of animals that start with G.
Commonly Known Animals That Begin With G
There are so many well known animals that begin with G. Check out this list with some fun facts about each animal. Love learning about animals and insects, be sure to check out our 50 Fascinating Facts About Butterflies.
Garden Spider
This spider is found all over the United States and Canada. They live close to open fields but in places that are out of the wind. They are black with yellow marks and white on their bodies. They are very small and measure about .2 to .35 inches. They spin circular-shaped webs.
Garter Snake
Garter Snakes are the snakes most people will find in their backyards. They are venomous but are not harmful to humans. They may try to bite you but most of the time they will try to hide from you. They can make a stinky smell when they think they are under attack. Often time the younger snakes are more aggressive than the other bigger ones.
Geckos are lizards that live all over the world. They are whatever color they can camouflage with their surroundings. They have excellent night vision and are usually out at night. They have special feet that are sticky and help them climb all over the place and not fall.
Gerbils are rodents that we can find in pet stores all over the United States. They look like a Hamster with a tail. They like to live in groups or pairs. They veto chew on things all the time to file down their teeth.
German Cockroach
German Cockroaches are the cockroaches you find in many buildings where Humans live, eat, or work. They eat meat, starches, sugars, and fatty food. They like to be out at night but can be seen during the day as well.
German Pointer
There are several different kinds of German pointers, German Longhaired Pointer, German Shorthaired Pointer, and German Wirehaired Pointer. They are all great hunting dogs that many people keep as pets. They are bigger dogs with a lot of energy and need a lot of exercise. May be a great pet for a family that has time to train them and keep them exercised, or for the hunter that needs a dog to help them hunt birds.
German Shepherd
German Shepards are very smart dogs that have been used for many different jobs, such as police dag. They are very smart dogs They are very active and need to make sure you give them son=me thing to entertain them. They are good guard dogs and will protect those they love.
Giant Armadillo
Giant Armadillo are found in South America and they are the biggest Armadillo. They are active at night and sleep the day away in a burrow in the ground. They like to eat termites and ants. They have hard shell-like skin that they can roll into a ball and protect themselves from predators’ attacks.
Giant Schnauzer
Giant Schnauzers are a breed of dog that is not as big as the name suggests it just is the biggest Schnauzer. They are a quieter breed of dog. They are protective and suspicious of strangers. They are good with kids and smart and get bored easily and if not entertained well they can become destructive.
Gnats are pronounced with a silent g. They are the tiny flys that you see flying around your head a lot of times they are swarms of them. They like to lay their eggs in moist soil or water. They are just an annoyance and you will not be harmed by them.
Goats are usually raised on farms. They are used for milk to make cheeses and other products. They live in herds and are known to eat anything including trash. Females are called nannies and males are called billies. They are very curious and will taste everything to find out more about things.
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever is a very loyal friendly dog breed. They are medium-sized dogs. They are called golden because of the beautiful color of their fur. They have longer fur that does shed. They are very tolerant of kids and friendly to everyone.
Goldendoodles are a mix of a poodle and a golden retriever. They were mixed so we can get the temperament of a golden retriever and the coat of a poodle that doesn’t shed. This has become the mutt that is now a breed and it cost as much now as a pure-breed dog. If you can handle the high energy of a Goldendoodle then they can make great pets.
Goldfish is the fish that most kids get for their first pet. They like to live in groups and will school together. They respond to the people that feed them. They can recognize faces and will see the person that feeds them and swim to them.
They live in flocks and they migrate to different parts of the world in the spring and fall. When they migrate they fly and they fly in a V shape. They take turns with who is in the front to give each goose a chance to rest as the V shape helps with wind and those in the back are not having to work as hard as the one in the front. They honk to talk to each other.
Gophers are rodent that lives in holes or burrows in the ground. They eat plant roots and can be a pest in the garden. They like to live alone unless they are breeding. Many gardeners will wish they could find a good way to get rid of gophers as they tend to eat the garden they are growing.
Grasshoppers are insects that have normal insect parts, a head, thorax, and abdomen. They have long back legs that help them jump and they have wings that help them fly to the next field they want to eat. They eat all things that grow out of the ground and are green.
Gray Fox
Gray foxes are found in rocky, woody parts of North America. They like to climb trees, they will climb trees and then jump from branch to branch. They are most active at night and are known to hunt on the edge of the forest.
Gray Whale
They live in the northeastern or northwestern Pacific and have a dark slate gray color. They are big and when they are adults measure 43 to 49 feet long. They eat by turning on their side and trying to skim off the top of the water the things they want to eat.
Great Dane
Great Dane is the tallest dog breed there is. They are the most gentle giants. They make great pets for all kinds of families. They have been known to live 8 to 10 years old. They need to be socialized and trained to help them not be so scared of new things and people. That will help them not be aggressive toward people later in life.
Great Hammerhead Shark
Great Hammerheads can be told apart from other hammerheads by the shape of their heads. They tend to leave humans alone and not attack them, they may get curious about divers. They like to eat tarpon, sardines, sea catfish, toadfish, and many other fish. They are at the top of their food chain.
Great Horned Owl
Great horned owls live all over the Americas. They like to eat rabbits, hares, rats, mice, and voles. They have feathers on their head that makes them look like horns. They are one of the most adaptable birds when it comes to where they can live. They will find whatever place they can. They are out mostly at night.
Great Pyrenees
Great Pyrenees are a dog breed that is used to help protect sheep flocks. They are very big and can weigh 121 to 165 pounds. They are white with a lot of hair. They are great protectors so they seem to be good pets for large families. They are very independent so training will be hard and needs to start at a young age.
Great White Shark
Great White Sharks are at the top of their food chain except for the occasional orca that will attack them and eat them. They live on most coastal oceans. They like to eat other fish, seals, whales, sea turtles, and other big sea creatures. They are responsible for the most human shark bits but they do not target humans. These bits seem to be test bites that are the shark trying to see what the object is.
Green Sea Turtle
Green Sea Turtle lives in all tropical and subtropical oceans. They spend most of their time in shallow water and lay their eggs on beaches. They eat different things depending on their age. When they are young they eat fish and fish eggs, and other small sea creatures. Then as they get other they start to eat plants.
Grey Seal
Grey Seals are found in the North Atlantic Ocean. They eat fish but will eat whatever they can find as well such as octopus or lobsters. They communicate with sounds and with their flippers as well. They like to gather in groups and they call them colonies. They seem to be at the top of the food chain but are eaten by great white sharks.
Greyhounds are a skinny short haired dog breed. They can run fast so some people race them to see which one will be fastest. They make good pets because they are loving and enjoy being around people. They may not be great with a loud family or small children. They prefer quiet houses. They can live from 10 to 14 years.
Groundhogs are also called woodchucks. They like to live on the edge of the forest and tend to stay close to their burrows. They can live up to 6 years but most live 2 to 3 years. They are good swimmers and have climbed trees to get away from predators. Most of the time though they would prefer to go into their burrow to stay safe. If they have something come into their homes they will use their front claws and big teeth to defend themselves.
Guinea Pig
Guinea pigs are big rodents They are smart and can learn complicated ways to get to food, and will remember it for months afterwards. They can not jump very high so do not need big walls to keep them from getting out. They make unique sounds for all different kinds of situations. They need to have something to chew on to help keep their front teeth from getting too big.
Guppies are fish that you can have in your aquarium. They come in different shapes and colors. They live in freshwater. Guppies in the wild typically only live 2 years. They can live in schools like other fish and will not always eat their young if they are well-fed.
Zoo Animals That Start With G
Galapagos Penguin
Galapagos Penguins are one of the few penguins that live in a warm climate. They like to nest in caves and services to help them stay protected from predators. They have developed ways to stay cool living in a warm environment. They mate for life and stick together all year round.
Galapagos Tortoise
Galapagos Tortoises can live over 100 years. Ones that are in zoos have been known to live 177 years. They are very big and are the largest living tortoise. They can weigh up to 919 pounds. They spend s good part of the morning laying in the sun and warming up. They eat plants and vegetables.
Gazelles are related to antelope. They can run fast at 60 mph when sprinting and 30 mph for long periods. They mostly live in Africa. They live in herds and eat small easy-to-digest plants and leaves.
Giant Anteater
Giant Anteaters live in Central and South America. They live in both rainforests and grasslands. They eat both ants and termites and use their front claws to dig them up and they have a long sticky tongue they lick them up with. They usually live alone except for mothers that raise their babies.
Giant Otter
Giant Otters are the largest weasel and live in South America. Many live along the Amazon River. They are most active during the day and sleep at night. They live with their family group and can be from 2 to 20 members. They have a very complex language of noises that they make to communicate with each other.
Giant Panda
Giant Pandas are from China. They eat bamboo. They are endangered and not too many are left in the wild. They spend most of their days eating and get very little energy or protein from their food. They seem lazy but are just conserving energy for the important things that they need to do, so they will avoid climbing steep hills and social interactions.
Gibbons are small apes; they tend to mate for life and live in family units. They move from place to place by swinging from vine to vine. They eat mostly fruit and a few plants. They are very territorial and will defend their area with noises and visual displays as well.
Giraffes from Africa. They are the tallest animal that is living on earth today. Lions, leopards, hyenas, and wild dogs can try to eat giraffes. They like to live in the savannahs and woodlands. A Giraffe can eat 75 pounds of plants a day. Like a cow, they can bring the food they eat back up in the form of cud to chew on it again.
Golden Eagle
Golden Eagles live in the northern hemisphere. They are dark brown bodies with a golden brown feathers on their heads. They eat small animals and fish. They have sharp claws called talons that help them grab their prey and hold them so they can eat them.
Goliath Beetle
Goliath Beetles are the largest insect on earth. They build a cocoon to go from a larva to an adult state. They will hibernate for a period when they will not be able to find as much to eat. They like to eat things that have a lot of sugar. They do not live long like many other insects.
Gorillas mostly eat plants and live on the ground. They are the biggest apes and can live for 35 to 40 years. They are either resting to moving to find food. They will construct nests out of loose twigs and leaves in tree tops so that they have a safe place to rest at night.
Gray Wolf
Gray Wolves are found in North America and Eurasia. They live in packs and there is an alfa male that runs the pack. These packs are normally a family unit. They like to eat deer or any hoofed animal.
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Herons live in most of the North America. They tend to live in the wetland and usually are not far from a body of water. They eat fish. They locate their food by eyesight and they do not chew it up but swallow them whole.
Grizzly Bear
Grizzly Bears live in North America. 5 to 7 months of the year they hibernate. This is when the females will give birth to their babies and the babies just nurse on the sleeping mom until they grow and the mom wakes up. To get ready for hibernation they try to gain 400 pounds. Bears that live in ward climates do not hibernate.
Other Animals That Start With G
- Gaboon Viper
- Gadwall
- Galapagos Shark
- Gar
- Garden Eel
- Gargoyle Gecko
- Gastornis
- Gelada
- Genet
- Gentoo Penguin
- Geoffroy’s Tamarin
- Gerberian Shepsky
- German Pinscher
- German Shepherd Guide
- German Shepherd Mix
- German Sheppit
- German Sheprador
- German Spitz
- Gharial
- Ghost Catfish
- Ghost Crab
- Giant African Land Snail
- Giant Beaver
- Giant Clam
- Giant Desert Centipede
- Giant Golden Mole
- Giant House Spider
- Giant Isopod
- Giant Leopard Moth
- Giant Salamander
- Giant Schnoodle
- Giant Siphonophore
- Giant Trevally
- Giant Weta
- Giant Wood Moth
- Gigantopithecus
- Gila Monster
- Glass Frog
- Glass Lizard
- Glechon
- Glen Of Imaal Terrier
- Glowworm
- Gnu (Wildebeest)
- Goberian
- Goblin Shark
- Goby Fish
- Goldador
- Goldcrest
- Golden Dox
- Golden Irish
- Golden Jackal
- Golden Lancehead
- Golden Lion Tamarin
- Golden Masked Owl
- Golden Mole
- Golden Newfie
- Golden Oriole
- Golden Pyrenees
- Golden Retriever Mix
- Golden Saint
- Golden Shepherd
- Golden Shiner
- Golden Tortoise Beetle
- Golden Trout
- Golden-Crowned Flying Fox
- Golden-Crowned Kinglet
- Goliath Frog
- Goliath Grouper
- Goliath Tigerfish
- Gollie
- Gomphotherium
- Goonch Catfish
- Gooty Sapphire Tarantula
- Gopher Snake
- Gopher Tortoise
- Goral
- Gordon Setter
- Gorgosaurus
- Goshawk
- Gouldian Finch
- Gourami
- Grapevine Beetle
- Grass Carp
- Grass Snake
- Grass Spider
- Grasshopper Mouse
- Gray Catbird
- Gray Tree Frog
- Great Crested Flycatcher
- Great Dane Mix
- Great Danoodle
- Great Egret
- Great Kiskadee
- Great Plains Rat Snake
- Great Potoo Bird
- Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
- Grebe
- Green Anaconda
- Green Anole
- Green Aphids
- Green Bee-Eater
- Green Bottle Blue Tarantula
- Green Frog
- Green Heron
- Green June Beetle
- Green Mamba
- Green Rat Snake
- Green Tree Frog
- Green Snake
- Green Sunfish
- Green Tree Python
- Greenland Dog
- Greenland Shark
- Grey Crowned Crane
- Grey Heron
- Grey Mouse Lemur
- Grey Reef Shark
- Griffin
- Griffon Vulture
- Griffonshire
- Groenendael
- Ground Snake
- Ground Squirrel
- Groundhog Tick
- Grouper
- Grouse
- Grunion
- Guadalupe Bass
- Guanaco
- Guinea Fowl
- Gulper Catfish
- Gulper Eel
- Guppy
- Gypsy Cuckoo Bumblebee
- Gypsy Moth
- Gypsy Moth Caterpillar
Wow! That was a long list. There are a lot of animals that begin with G. We’re sure there are even more. If you know any, tell us in the comments!