122 Exciting Animals that Begin with J

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Discover the fascinating world of animals that begin with the letter J! From the graceful jaguar to the majestic jellyfish, dive into a collection of captivating creatures. Explore their unique characteristics, habitats, and intriguing behaviors. Whether you’re an animal enthusiast or simply curious about the diverse wildlife on our planet, this list of J animals will pique your interest and leave you in awe of nature’s incredible creations. 

featured image with yellow background, and images of animals that begin with J

Commonly Known Animals That Begin With J

There are so many well known animals that begin with J. Check out this list with some fun facts about each animal and see what you can learn that is new. Love learning about animals? Be sure to check out facts about lions

in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier: A compact bundle of energy, this little dog is bursting with vigor. With their distinctive white coat adorned with black or brown spots, they come in variations of smooth, rough, or broken coats. Originally bred for fox hunting, their innate instinct drives them to dig into holes and flush out their prey. Unsurprisingly, they possess a boundless enthusiasm and require ample exercise to channel their energy. Excelling in sports like fly ball and agility, they demonstrate their athletic prowess. However, their strong-willed nature can make training a challenge, as they constantly test boundaries. Daily exercise is a must, as they possess an uncanny ability to entertain themselves if left idle.


While often dismissed as a mere legend, the Jackalope has been confirmed as a genuine creature by the esteemed Smithsonian. Astonishingly, these enigmatic animals possess peculiar horns that appear to sprout from their bodies, a result of a mysterious and rare form of cancer. The fabled tale tells of rabbits adorned with antelope-like horns, a narrative that intrigued me even as a young traveler, prompting me to acquire a statue as a keepsake for my room. Remarkably, accounts of jackalopes date back centuries, weaving themselves into the tapestry of history. It was in Wyoming where Douglas Herrick etched his name as the pioneer of commercializing taxidermy jackalopes, breathing life into the folklore.

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Jackrabbits are not rabbits but hares, they are found all over the United States. They have long ears and long back legs that are perfect to jump around with. They like to eat shrubs, grass, and other vegetation. The females are larger than the males. Once the babies are born, they are left to fend for themselves as soon as they are no longer nursing milk from their mothers. They live under trees and shrubs that give them cover and protect them from other animals that might eat them. They are able to have babies twice a year to seven times a year.

Jackson’s Chameleon

Jackson’s Chameleons are lizards that live in woodlands or forests. They mostly are found in the countries of Kenya and Tanzania. You used to be able to find them as pets in the United States, but the laws made trading them illegal. They can be called three-horn chameleons when you can see a male one, they have horns. They are normally bright green with a little bit of blue and yellow but will change color because of their mood, health, and hot or cold it is. They eat small insects. They like humidity and at night would like it to be colder; they can be hard to take care of in captivity.

in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Jamnapari Goat

Jamnapari Goat

Jamnapari goats are large and have white with patches of tan on their neck and head. They look like parrots because of the shape of their nose. Both males and females have horns and droopy ears. They spend a lot of time grazing and like to eat the top of the grass, tree leaves, ad bushes. They are found in India and are bred for meat and milk.

Japanese Bantam Chicken

Japanese Bantam Chickens are a breed of ornamental chicken. They have very short legs. They come in many different colors. Many people show them like dogs and they need to be kept inside on clean, dry bedding. They are only meant to go outside in the best weather and if you let their feathers drag on the ground it can stain the tip of their feathers. 

in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Japanese Chin

Japanese Chin

Japanese Chin is a small dog breed that comes from China. They are black and white with long hair and a pug nose. They usually weigh about 7 to 9 pounds. They seem to be cat-like.  They are known to wash themselves with their wet paws. They love their owners and other people as well. They are known to bark to alert that people are coming into their territory. They are easy to train and will perform tricks for people easily. They can live up to 12 to 14 years old. 

Japanese Hare

Japanese Hare has a reddish-brown color. They are found in the northern parts of Japan. They can have babies in litters of 1 to 6, they can have several litters in one year. They like to eat in the morning and evening. They live in borrows and they normally live alone except for when they are mating. They like to eat bushes, grass, or shrubs.

in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Japanese Terrier

Japanese Terrier

Japanese Terrier usually has a black head and a white body. They are descendants of fox terriers. They bred them to help catch rats and mice and to be companions. They are high-energy and need a lot of exercise. Nowadays are mostly household pets.

Java Chicken

Java Chicken is a breed of chicken that is one of the oldest chickens from the United States. They are large birds and can be good for both food and eggs. They are usually Black, White, or mottled. They are docile and can handle all kinds of weather. They are great birds to have for multipurpose. They lay big brown eggs. They are good at foraging as well.

in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Java Sparrow

Java Sparrow

Java Sparrows are grey with a pink belly, white cheeks and a black head, red eye rings, pink feet, and red bills. But very in color by age. They live in grasslands and eat mostly grains and other seeds. They nest in a tree or building and lay up to eight eggs. They are endangered because they are a pest in the rice fields. But they are getting better in numbers. They are often kept as pets now that they are bound will to people as they can be hand raised.

Javan Pig

Javan Pig is a hairy black pig that has three pairs of facial warts. They live in the grasslands and secondary forests in Java. They mostly live alone and can be seen in groups of three or four. They are nocturnal and when scared their hair will stand straight up. They will squeal a shrill whistle when running from things that scare them. They are endangered and are because of people moving in on their habitats. 

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Jellyfish are beautiful but hurt you if you touch them. They are umbrella-shaped and have long tentacles that hang down. They like to eat small fish, fish eggs, larvae, and crustaceans. They catch their prey in the tentacles and that gets them to their mouth to be eaten. They can be found in the ocean and tend to be more toward the top of the water. Some even live in the tide. 

Javanese Cat

A Javanese Cat is a cat you could have as a pet, what they call a domestic cat. They have a long soft coat and come in a variety of colors. They have a single layer of hair that makes them look skinnier than most long-haired cats. They are intelligent and make noise a lot. They like to play meow, jump and play with their people and can get depressed if you do not play with them enough. They also have been said to be good mouse hunters.

in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Jerboa Rat

Jerboa Rat

Jerboa Rat lives in the desert of Asia and North Africa. They can run up to 15 mph. They usually live about six years. They look a bit like tiny kangaroos. They hop like kangaroos, but they are a bit different in their anatomy. They run jump, skip, and hop that quick movements that will help them get away from their predators. They are active mostly at twilight and live in borrows. They usually live alone. They like to eat plants.

Jersey Cow

Jersey cows are the cow that you see as you drive by dairies in the British countryside. They are a cow that you would find being milked for milk and is a small cows. They are brown to black in color. Cows are calm and docile. But be careful of bulls they can be more aggressive.

in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of John Dory

John Dory

John Dory is a fish that has spiny fins. They are olive-yellow colored and in the middle of their body, they have a dark spot on their body. They live off the coast of Africa, Southeast Asia, New Zealand, and Australia. They live near the bottom of the ocean and usually live alone. 

Zoo Animals That Start With J

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Jackals are found in Africa and Eurasia. They eat both meat and plants. Their bodies shape and teeth make them good hunters of small animals, and birds. they live in pairs that are male and female. They are very territorial and mark their territory and chase off other animals that try to live on their land. 


Jaguars are large cats that live in the southern United States, Central, and South America. They are several different colors some are pale yellow and some are black all have spots that are black they can look a lot like a leopard. Other facts about jaguars:

  • most active at twilight. 
  • like to eat meat and can eat things that they can find in their habitat. 
  • usually live alone 
  • are born and live with their mother for up to two years.  
in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Jamaican Iguana

Jamaican Iguana

The Jamaican Iguana is a large lizard. They are green and have blotched with color as well. They are the second largest land animal in Jamaica. They like to eat leaves, flowers, and fruits. They once were thought to be extinct but are found to be just very rare now. They have been declining because of the introduction of the mongoose to help control the snake population and they eat the iguanas as well. And now they seem to be threatened by the spread of the charcoal industry.

Japanese Crane

Japanese Crane is white with black wings. Males have black necks and cheeks while females are more grey in those areas. They have patches of red bare skin on their heads. They live in Siberia, north-eastern China, and sometimes north-eastern Mongolia. They are known to migrate and are found in Japan as well. They nest in wetlands, marshes, and rivers. During the winter they can be found in paddy fields, grassy tidal flats, and mud flats. They will eat water bugs and also will eat rice when it is harder to find food. 

in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Java Mouse-Deer

Java Mouse-Deer

Java Mouse-deers are small and grow to be the size of a rabbit. They live in tropical forests and mainly eat plants but have been seen to eat bus as well. They live in herds much like other deers. They are known to like to be active at dawn and dusk. They can be solitary animals as well. Very rarely they make a shrill cry, but that only happens when they are scared. They are territorial. 

Javan Gibbon

Javan Gibbons are also called Sivery Gibbons. They have a blueish-grey coat. The babies live with their family group until they are eight to ten years old. They are endangered and that way because people are taking over their habitats they are also salad in the illegal pet trade. They live in pairs and are extremely territorial and will defend their territory. They mark their territory by screaming and most of that scream comes from the females.

in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Javan Rhinoceros

Javan Rhinoceros

Javan Rhinoceros are considered the most endangered species in the world and only live in the wild in one part of the world, the Ujung Kulon National Park. They live in mostly lowland rainforests, grasslands, and reed beds; they like mud beds as well so they can wallow in them. They live on their own; they like to wallow in mud to keep cool. They are territorial and mark their territory. They like to eat plants. They eat a lot of food in one day up to 110 pounds, and they need salt in their diet and often use salt licks.

Jungle Cat

Jungle Cat is found in the middle east, South and Southeast Asia, and Southern China. They like to live in the wetlands anywhere there would be dense greenery. They are reddish-brown to grey and have no spots. They live alone and are territorial. They like to eat small animals like gerbils, hares, and rodents. But it will also eat fruit in the winter. Babies stay with their mothers until they are eight to nine months old. They seem to live for 15 to 20 years in captivity and maybe even longer in the wild.

Other Animals That Start With J

in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Jabiru Stork
  • Jabiru Stork
  • Jabuti
  • Jacamar
  • Jacana Spinosa
  • Jack Crevalle
  • Jack Mackerel
  • Jack Snipe
  • Jack-Chi
  • Jackabee
  • Jackdaw
  • Jacob Sheep
  • Jacopever
  • Jaeger
  • Jagdterrier
  • Jaguar Cichlid
in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Jaguar Guapote
  • Jaguar Guapote
  • Jaguarundi
  • Jaguarundi Cat
  • Jamaica Hope
  • Jamaican Tody
  • Jamaican Boa
  • Jameson’s Mamba
  • Jämthund
  • Janthina Snail
  • Japalura
  • Japanese Bantam Chicken
  • Japanese Beetle
  • Japanese Cormorant
  • Japanese Flying Squid
  • Japanese Forest Turtle
in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Japanese Giant Salamander
  • Japanese Giant Salamander
  • Japanese Macaque
  • Japanese Mole
  • Japanese Quail
  • Japanese Rat Snake
  • Japanese Saw Shark
  • Japanese Serow
  • Japanese Spider Crab
  • Japanese Spitz
  • Japanese Squirrel
  • Japanese Thrush
  • Japanese Weasel
  • Japanese White-eye
  • Jaquar
  • Jaraqui
in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Javan Leopard
  • Javan Leopard
  • Jaulan Goat
  • Javan Langur
  • Javan Pipistrelle
  • Javan Tree Shrew
  • Javan Slit-faced Bat
  • Javanese Cownose Ray
  • Javanese Duck
  • Javelin Fish
  • Javelin Lizard
  • Javelin Sand Boa
  • Javelina
  • Jawfish
  • Jaybird
  • Jellynose Fish
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  • Jenday Conure
  • Jentink’s Duiker
  • Jet Squirrel
  • Jerboa
  • Jerdon’s Baza
  • Jerdon’s Courser
  • Jerdon’s Kangaroo Rat
  • Jerdon’s Mouse
  • Jewel Squid
  • Jewel Beetle
  • Jeweled Anole
in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Jeweled Gecko
  • Jeweled Gecko
  • Jeweled Lacerta
  • Jico Deer Mouse
  • Jiddu Goat
  • Jijel Dog
  • Jindo Dog
  • Jingjiang Pony
  • Jinhua Pig
  • Jird
  • Joculator Angelfish
  • John’s Beaked Gecko
  • John’s Snapper
  • Johnson’s Cottontail
  • Jollytail
in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Jonah Crab
  • Jonah Crab
  • Jonai
  • Jonica Goat
  • Joro Spider
  • Josephoartigasia Monesi
  • Juchitan Worm Snake
  • Jumbo Squid
  • Jumping Swordfish
  • Jumping Spider
  • Junco
  • Junin Red Squirrel
  • Jungle Carpet Python
  • Jungle Crow
  • Jungle Owlet
  • Jungle Palm Squirrel
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  • Jungle Shrew
  • Junglefowl
  • Junin Grass Mouse
  • Juniper Vole
  • Jura Laufhund
  • Jutland Horse
  • Juvenile Monitor Lizard
in post image with yellow background, large letter "J", name of animal, and image of Juvenile Monitor LIzard

There you have it! A long list of Animals that Begin with J. Do you know any others? Let us know in the comments so we can learn more about them as well!

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