Our bodies are Stupendous so many things to learn about when you’re studying the body. Check out all these body parts that start with S. I’m sure you know about the stomach and maybe even the Spleen but what about the Sternoclavicular joint? Read on to find out this and many more facts.

Come along as we explore the body parts that start with S. Once you learn these facts you’ll be able to Stump your friends and amaze them with all the smarts swirling around in your Sphenoid Sinuses.
Today we’ll take a look at some of the amazing things our bodies can do. From the skull that protects our brains to the soft palate that helps us swallow our food and make noise when we speak. Are you ready to see just how Super your body is? There are so many simply amazing things waiting for you to discover.
Want to discover more about your body then check out Body Parts That Start With A.
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- Most Common Body Parts That Start With S
- List Of Body Parts That Start With S
- Facts About Body Parts That Start With S

List Of Body Parts That Start With S
- sacral
- sagittal sinus
- saphenous vein
- scalene muscles
- scapula
- scapula, movements
- scapular muscles
- sciatic foramen
- sciatic nerve
- semicircular ducts
- short saphenous vein
- shoulder joint ligaments
- shoulder muscle
- shoulder region
- skull
- skull, individual named bones
- skull, individual named bones
- soft palate
- spermatic cord
- sphenoid sinus
- sphenoid sinus
- spinal accessory nerve
- spinal cord
- spinal ligaments
- spinal nerves
- spinal nerves, filaments
- spleen
- stapes
- sternoclavicular joint
- stomach
- stylohyoid muscle
- styloid process
- sub-arachnoid space
- subclavian artery
- subclavian vein
- submandibular gland
- suboccipital muscles
- superior alveolar nerves
- superior cerebellar arteries
- superior constrictor muscle
- superior oblique muscle
- superior orbital fissure
- superior rectus muscle
- sympathetic trunk
- Skin
- Saliva
- Shoulder
- Sole
- Stomach
- Skull

Facts About Body Parts That Start With S
Where is the sacrum?
The Sacrum is at the very bottom of the lumbar spine. The Sacrum is a triangular shaped bone that is made up of 5 bones fused together.
What does the Saphenous Vein do?
You have two Saphenous Veins in each of your legs They are called the great Saphenous vein and the small saphenous veins. They are responsible for sending blood from your legs and feet back up to your heart.
What are the Scalene Muscles?
The scalene muscles are a group of muscles that are found in the neck. They help with breathing and flexing the neck forward.
Where is the Scapula?
The Scapula is also known as the Shoulder blade. It connects the clavicle (the collarbone) to the Humerus (your long upper arm bone) and provides an anchor place for muscles to go around your shoulder.
What makes up the shoulder joint?
The shoulder joint is where the head of the Humerus and the socket of the Scapula meet. The Shoulder joint is considered a synovial joint with the surfaces lined with cartilage to protect the bones.
What is your skull?
Your skull is the group of fused bones that protects your brain. It is supported by the highest neck vertebrae that allows the head to nod and tilt side to side. The upper jaw is part of the skull, but not the lower jaw.
Where is the soft palate?
The soft palate is the soft tissue that makes up the roof of your mouth in the back. Unlike the hard palate, the soft palate is not made of bone. It aids swallowing, protects the nasal passage, and helps with speech.
What is the Sphenoid Sinus?
The Sphenoid sinuses are part of the paranasal sinuses. They are a cavity within the skull located in the back of the nasal passages. The pair of sphenoid sinuses vary in size and are not always the same shape.
What does the Spinal Cord do?
The spinal cord is a long, thin, tube-like shape that runs from the brain stem to the bottom of your backbone. Information is passed through the spinal cord from your brain to other organs and muscles in your body.
Why do we have Spinal ligaments?
The spine has many ligaments that help keep the vertebrates together. They connect the bones and help form the joints of your backbone. They also provide stability by not allowing your spine to move in ways that it shouldn’t, like bending too far backwards.
Where is the Spleen?
The Spleen is located under the ribs and the diaphragm, next to the stomach and is purple. It removes old red blood cells and keeps a blood reserve in case the blood is needed.
What is the Stapes?
The Stapes is a tiny little bone found in the middle ear. It is involved with conducting sound vibrations to the inner ear.
What is the Sternoclavicular joint?
That’s a pretty big word! The Sternoclavicular joint is where the clavicle (the collarbone) meets the sternum (chest bone). They are connected by cartilage that holds them together and gives the joint movement .
What’s in Your Stomach?
The stomach can be found between the esophagus and the small intestine. Inside your stomach there are digestive enzymes and a liquid called gastric acid that helps you digest the food that you eat.
Where is the Stylohyoid Muscle?
This small muscle connects from the bottom of the skull behind your ear down under your chin. It lifts and lowers the hyoid bone which can be found in your upper neck, under your jaw.
What is the sub-arachnoid space?
The sub-arachnoid space is a thing cavity between the skull and the brain. It is filled with cerebral spinal fluid and has branches of arteries and veins from the brain. This space is meant to cushion and protect the brain and the spinal cord.
What do the Subclavian Arteries do?
The Subclavian Arteries branch off the heart and travel to the shoulder and down each arm. There is a right and a left subclavian artery. These arteries transport blood that is rich in oxygen to your head, neck and arms.
Role of the Subclavian Vein
Different from the subclavian arteries, the Subclavian Vein in situated deep inside the neck underneath the collarbone where it takes blood that is deoxygenated back to the heart and lungs to be reoxygenated. Without the veins taking blood to the heart and arteries taking blood from the heart to the rest of the body you would be unable to live.
Where is the submandibular gland?
The Submandibular gland is one of the three salivary glands. It’s about the size of a walnut. It is found under the lower jaw in the floor of the mouth. This gland keeps the mouth moist by making saliva, which helps with chewing, swallowing, digestion and keeping the mouth and teeth clean.
What are the suboccipital muscles?
You will find the suboccipital muscles in the occipital bone on the bottom back of the skull. This group of muscles works together to extend and rotate the head.
What does the Superior Cerebellar artery do?
This artery is found deep in your brain on the cerebellum. It takes blood to the cerebellum, behind the top of the brainstem, the midbrain, and nearby parts of the brain.
The Most Common Body Parts That Begin With S
- Stomach
- Spleen
- Skin
- Saliva
- Sole
- Skull
- Shoulder
I hope you’re enjoying learning all about your body. These Body parts that start with S are just a few of the awesome things your body can do. Stay tuned for more facts about your body and all the surprising things you might not know about.