Sunday Jokes

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  • Q: How come it never rains on Sundays? A: Because it wouldn’t be the day of rest if it poured.
  • Q: Why do people enjoy going to the beach on Sundays? A: Because it’s a Sunny day.
  • Q: What made the child believe it was the Sabbath day? A: The sun was shining bright!
  • Q: What causes a surge of spirits to haunt cinemas on Sunday nights? A: Their eagerness to jeer at the screening.
  • Q: Why are there so many ghosts in movie theaters on Sunday evenings? A: They can’t wait to boo the performance.
  • Q: What do you call a hairdresser who never closes on Sundays? A: A hair-heretic.
  • Q: Did you hear about the person who took a day off work to eat ice cream? A: They needed a Sundae break.
  • Q: Why did the kid think it was Sunday? A: Because the sun is out!
  • Q: Why are people happier on Sunday? A: Because Sadderday is over.
  • Q: On Sunday, what is the nastiest term you can speak? A: It’s Monday!
  • Q: What do you call a chef who only works on Sundays? A: A Sundae chef.
  • Q: What type of music should you listen to while fishing on Sunday? A: Something catchy.
  • Q: What is the worst word to say on Sunday? A: Monday.
  • Q: Which day of the week serves the best ice cream? A: Sundae.
  • Q: Why did the cat sleep in on Sunday? A:  She wasn’t feline well.
  • On Sunday, a Mexican magician performed a magic show.
  • Q: What day is a vampire’s least favorite? A: Sunday.
  • Q: What do you call a day where you do nothing but relax and unwind? A: A Sunday Funday.
  • Q: Why did the Sun hide behind the moon on Sunday? A: To take a break from its weekly duty.
  • Q: What dessert is exclusively reserved for the final day of the week? A: A delectable sundae
  • Q: What’s the secret to a good mailman joke? A:  Don’t tell it on a Sunday.
  • Q: What is a more cost-effective alternative to a psychiatrist? A: A visit to the shopping mall on a lazy Sunday.
  • Q: How do you describe someone who’s dazed on Sunday? A: Sun-dazed
  • Q: What motivated the man to wear tattered pants to church on Sunday? A: They were his holy pair.
  • Q: What do you call it when you prank a person on Sunday? A: Sabbathtoge.
  • Q: Why did the boy put on sunscreen first thing in the morning? A: Because it was SUNday.
  • Q: Why are the week days actually the strongest days of the week? A: Because they all work out.
  • Q: What’s the secret to a good mailman joke? A: Don’t tell it on a Sunday.
  • Q: Which day of the week makes you happy in the morning and sad at bedtime? A: Sunday.
  • Q: Why did the kid think it was Sunday? A: Because the sun was out.
  • Q: When did the monarch hold his jousting matches? A: On Sunday Knight.
  • Q: What do you call a barber that refuses to close on Sundays? A: A Hair-etic.
  • Q: Why did the Sun hide behind the moon on Sunday? A: To take a break from its weekly duty.
  • Q: Why do fish feel lonely on the weekends? A: There’s no school on Saturdays or Sundays.
  • Q: How do you maintain your dreams on Sundays? A: Hit the snooze button.
  • Q: Why do hamburgers exercise on Sunday? A: To get better buns.
  • Q: Why are the weekdays known to be strong days? A: Because they are all working days.
  • Q: What would you call a Monday meal pretending to be Sunday dinner? A: An imposter feast.
  • Q: On what day does it never rain? A: Sun day.
  • Q: Why is it impossible for it to rain on Sunday? A: Because it would be a rainday, not Sunday.
  • Q: Have you heard the joke about Saturday and Sunday? A: It has an epic beginning but quite the finale.
  • Q: Where does the periodic table attend on Sundays? A: Mass.
  • Q: Why do baseball bats tend to break at the grip over the weekend? A: Weekend games take their toll
  • Q: Why didn’t Sunday go to the gym? A: He wasn’t a weak day.
  • Q: Why did the Sun cover its eyes on Sunday? A: It saw the back side of the moon.
  • Q: What day of the week do vampires always stay home? A: SUNday
  • Q: Why do hot dogs and Sundays go together so well? A: Because that’s not the worst thing for a day at the ballpark.
  • Q: On which days do you feel the most powerful? A: Saturday and Sunday since the rest are weak days.
  • Q: Why did the child believe it was Sunday? A: The sun was shining brightly.
  • Q: Why didn’t Sunday go to the gym?  A: It wasn’t a weak day.
  • Q: Which day of the week do sunflowers adore? A: Sunday
  • Q: Which chore sucks the most on Sunday? A: Vacuuming.
  • Q: My mom entered her turnip plants in a gardening contest for this Sunday. A: I’m really rooting for her!
  • Q: Why is Sunday considered a fun day? A: Because all you need to do is sleep until you’re hungry and eat until you’re tired.
  • Q: Why did the family celebrate their son? A: It was Son-day, after all.
  • Q: What do cows do on Sunday afternoons? A: They go to the mooo-vies.
  • Q: Why are fish lonely on the weekends? A: Because there’s no school on Saturdays or Sundays.
  • Q: Why do I always feel great on Saturday and Sunday, and sick on all the other days? A: Maybe I just have a weekend immune system.
  • Q: Why do hamburgers hit the gym on Sundays? A: To achieve better buns.
  • Q: Did you hear about the guy who was detained for refusing to take a nap on Sunday? A: He was resisting rest.
  • Q: What do you call somebody who only experiences extreme anxiety on Saturday and Sunday? A: A weekend worrier.
  • Q: Why did the girl put on sunscreen as soon as she woke up? A: Because it was SUNday.
  • Q: Why is Sunday such a fun day? A: Because all you really have to do is sleep until you’re hungry, and then eat until you feel sleepy.
  • Q: Why was John Travolta in bed all day Sunday? A: He had a Saturday night fever.
  • Q: What’s Newton’s Law of Sunday? A: A body at rest will continue to be at rest until the wife notices and finds some work for him.
  • Q: What is the key to any good mailman joke? A: Don’t tell it on Sunday.
  • Q: What do you call a Sunday dinner eaten on a Monday? A: Cold
  • Q: What causes a surge of spirits to haunt cinemas on Sunday nights? A: Their eagerness to jeer at the screening.
  • Q: When doesn’t Sunday start with the letter “S”?  A: When it’s Yesterday, Today or Tomorrow.
  • Q: What’s the best thing about Sunday mornings? A: No need to rush and it’s a day to recharge.
  • Q: What day brings morning happiness and bedtime blues? A: Sunday, the end of the weekend fun.
  • Q: What do chickens like to do on Sunday afternoons? A: They like to go on peck-nics.
  • Q: What’s the most unpleasant noise on a Sunday morning? A: An alarm clock is ringing.
  • Q: Why didn’t the skeleton laugh at Sunday jokes? A: He didn’t find them humerus.
  • Q: Why didn’t the skeleton find Sunday jokes amusing? A: Because he didn’t find them humorous.
  • Q: Why was the boy antisocial at the end of the week? A: Because it was shunday

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