Spark your kids’ curiosity with this list of animals that begin with E! This captivating list offers a fantastic opportunity to satisfy their inquisitive minds.

Engage your kids with fun facts about familiar animals and take an educational journey together and watch their faces light up as they learn interesting tidbits about these magnificent beings. Expand their knowledge and create cherished family moments as you delve into the world of E animals!
Looking for more interesting facts about animals be sure to check out our 50 Fascinating Facts About Butterflies.
Commonly Known Animals That Start With E
There are so many well known animals that begin with E. Check out this list with some fun facts about each animal.

Earthworms live in dirt all over the world. It breathes through its skin. Earthworms can live from one to 8 years old. An Earthworm is both male and female. Depending on how bad the damage they can regrow parts of themselves.
Earwigs like to sleep during the day in moist, and small places. They like to eat Plants and other insects. They have been known to squirt yellow foul-smelling liquid at their attackers and will use their pinchers to defend themselves They live in all parts of the world.

Eastern Bluebird
The males are bright blue and the females are lighter and have grey on their head and back with some blue on their wings. They are social and will sometimes like to gather in flocks. They can live 6 to 10 years. They like to eat things like grasshoppers, crickets, katydids, and beetles.
Eastern Box Turtle
The box turtle mostly lives on land but is not a tortoise. They live a very long time, in captivity they have been known to live over 100 years. They live all over the eastern part of the US. They live in one spot for a long time up to 32 years before moving to another spot which is not common for reptiles.

Eastern Chipmunk
Eastern Chipmunks like to live in parks and forested areas. You can also find them in rocky areas, brush or log piles, or even shrubs to provide cover. They live in the ground and dig tunnels for nests. They are most active during the day. They like to eat plant bulbs, seeds, fruit, nuts, green plants, mushrooms, insects, worms, and bird eggs.
Eastern Cottontail
Eastern Cottontails are the most common rabbit in North America. They like to live in grassy areas, clearings, and old fields. Some even like to live in my yard and maybe in yours as well. They live in the ground and dig holes called borrows. They like to eat mostly green things like grass, and clovers.

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
These snakes live in the Southeastern part of the US. They are the largest rattlesnake in all of North, Central, and South America. They spend a lot of their time underground sheltered in burrows of other animals. They may come out in the morning and afternoon to bask in the sun. they are great swimmers and have been seen swimming to different coastal islands in the Gulf of Mexico. You will know one is nearby by the rattling sound of their tail.
Eastern Gray Squirrel
Found all over the eastern part of North America. Squirrels are food hoarders which means that they store food all over for them to eat later. They have great memory as to where they have stored this food and can find it even months later. You have probably seen a squirrel in your neighborhood. They will come and eat the seeds you put in your bird feeds and will not be easy to scare away as they are used to humans.

Eels are long fish they can weigh from very little 1 once to heavy of 240 pounds. Most eels live in the shallow parts of the ocean and burrow into the mud, sand, and rocks. They are mostly active at night, so not too many people see them. They have been seen to live together in things called eel pits.
Eastern Rat Snake
This snake is black and is found all over the eastern part of the United States. They usually are active at night and live in a burrow underground. They are great climbers and can climb trees to find eggs to eat in bird nests. They enjoy eating rodents, lizards, frogs, birds, and bird eggs. They hibernate in the winter.

Egyptian Goose
We can find this Goose all over Africa They are mostly white and can be grey or brown as well. They like to eat seeds, leaves, grasses, and plant stems. Once in a while, they may eat insects as well. You might find them in old paintings from Ancient Egypt because they were considered sacred by them.
Egyptian Tortoise
They are the smallest tortoise in the northern hemisphere. They live in deserts and eat plants. They are least active when it is hot out but during warm seasons they will be most active in the morning and evening.

Elk live in forests and eat grasses, plants, leaves, and bark. The males grow antlers which they shed each year and grow new ones. They live in groups of up to 400 many people hunt the Elk for meat and eat it. Antlers are made of bones and new growth is covered by velvet skin to protect it.
English Bulldog
English Bulldogs are short stocky animals that were bred as companion dogs. They look like mean dogs but are known to be kind, and loving. They can be stubborn and may not want to listen to you if you tell them to not do something. But they are great family pet and will be great with kids.
- Dogs that start with E
- English Cocker Spaniel
- English Cream Golden Retriever
- English Crested Guinea Pig
- English Foxhound
- English Longhorn Cattle
- English Pointer
- English Setter
- English Shepherd
- English Springer Spaniel
- English Toy Terrier
Zoo Animals That Start With E

There are many different species of Eagles many of the names depend on the color of their heads. We have golden eagles that are called that because of the gold feathers on their heads and bald eagles have white heads. They are birds of prey that eat other animals such as fish, or rodents. Eagles’ eyes are very powerful and can see more than eight times farther than a human’s eyes can see.
Eastern Coral Snake
Eastern Coral Snakes are highly venomous. They are red, black, and yellow stripped. They can be confused with a king snake that is similarly stripped. Their diet consists of lizards, birds, frogs, fish, insects, and smaller snakes. Their venom can cause slurred speech, double vision, and paralysis, eventually leading to you stopping breathing and dying. Get medical help as soon as possible.

Eastern Lowland Gorilla
Eastern Lowland gorillas are the largest gorillas. They are black, and the males will be grey as they age. They live in groups that are their family. They live in the mountains and tropical forests. People hunt them for meat illegally. The older males can be called silverbacks because of the back hairs that are all grey.
Eastern Tiger Snake
They live in Australia and are the biggest venomous snake in southern Australia. They like to live in wet places, They give birth to live snakes, not eggs of up to 20 or 30. They are a lot of people that get bit by them because they live in the same areas as people do.

Eastern Turkey
Eastern Turkey is also known as the Wild Turkey. Male turkeys have a long, dark, fan-shaped tails. They like to live in forests that have clearing scattered in them. Wild turkeys are actually great flyers and can fly close to the ground for about a quarter mile. They have good eyesight but not at night.
Egyptian Cobra
Egyptian Cobras are large and venomous. They are many different colors but most are brown. They have the hood like other cobra and they expand them when they are trying to protect themselves from predators or dangers. They unlike other cobra do not spit venom they just bit you and inject it that way.

Egyptian Vulture
Egyptian vultures are white and have feathers of white on their heads that stick up They are like other vultures scavengers and will eat the leftover kills of the bigger cats such as lions. They usually live alone or in pairs. They not only eat meat but will feed on poop and will eat the bug and whatever is leftover in that poop.
Electric Eel
An eel that lives in the freshwater of South America. They use electricity to stun the things it is trying to eat. They have lived in captivity for up to 20 years. They are active at night and sleep during the day mainly eating fish.

Elephants are the largest land animal. There are several different species and they live in a few different places mostly in Africa and Asia. The females will stay together as a family group but the males will leave and live on their own and interact with family groups when they are looking for a mate. They use their trunk for many different jobs and it has a lot of muscles to help them grab things and do those jobs.
Elephant Seal
Elephant seals are very big and can weigh up to 11,00 pounds. They live all over the Pacific Coast and spend most of their lives in the ocean. They can hold their breath for 100 minutes. They have blubber like whales that help them keep warm in the cold water. They use their whiskers to locate what they are wanting to eat.

Emperor Penguin
Emperor Penguins are the largest and heaviest of the living penguins. The feathers are black but have white chests and gold ears. They walk 31 to 75 miles on Antarctica to mate. The male is the one that takes care of the egg and helps it hatch. Then they take turns taking care of the baby penguin. They live in big groups and will be active both during the day and night.
Emus are the second tallest bird They have soft feathers and are brown. They do not fly just like the biggest bird the ostrich. They are from Australia. The male takes care of the egg until it hatches and he hardly eats or drinks anything and can lose a lot of weight. When it hatches the father takes care of the baby emu as well. Emus will sleep at night and are most active during the day.
Other Animals That Start With E

- Eagle Ray
- Eared Grebe
- Earless Monitor Lizard
- East Siberian Laika
- Eastern Barred Bandicoot
- Eastern Brown Snake
- Eastern Dobsonfly
- Eastern Fence Lizard
- Eastern Glass Lizard
- Eastern Green Mamba
- Eastern Hognose Snake
- Eastern Indigo Snake
- Eastern Kingbird
- Eastern Meadowlark
- Eastern Phoebe

- Eastern Racer
- Eastern Tiger Snake
- Eastern Woodrat
- Echidna
- Eclectus Parrot
- Edible Frog
- Eel catfish
- Eelpout
- Egret
- Egyptian Mau

- Eider
- Eland
- Elasmosaurus
- Elasmotherium
- Electric Catfish
- Elegant Tern
- Elephant Beetle
- Elephant Bird
- Elephant Fish
- Elephant Shrew
- Elf Owl
- Ember Tetra
- Embolotherium
- Emerald Toucanet
- Emerald Tree Boa

- Emerald Tree Monitor
- Emperor Angelfish
- Emperor Goose
- Emperor Penguin
- Emperor Tamarin
- Enchi Ball Python
- Entlebucher Mountain Dog
- Epagneul Pont Audemer
- Epicyon haydeni
- Epidexipteryx
- Equatorial Spitting Cobra
- Equus giganteus
- Ermine
- Eryops
- Escolar

- Eskimo Dog
- Eskipoo
- Estrela Mountain Dog
- Euoplocephalus
- Eurasian Beaver
- Eurasian Bullfinch
- Eurasian Collared Dove
- Eurasian Eagle-owl
- Eurasian Jay
- Eurasian Lynx
- Eurasian Nuthatch
- Eurasian Sparrowhawk
- Eurasian Wolf
- Eurasier
- European Bee-Eater

- European Goldfinch
- European Corn Borer
- European Polecat
- European Robin
- European Starling
- European Wildcat
- Eurypterus
- Evening Bat
- Evening Grosbeak
- Executioner Wasp
- Eyelash Viper

There you have it! Hopefully, you learned something new about the animal kingdom. If you learned something interesting, leave a comment!