Embark on a wild adventure through the animal kingdom as we explore animals that begin with L! From the magnificent lion to the graceful leopard, discover a diverse range of captivating animals. Uncover the unique traits, habitats, and behaviors of fascinating species such as the loon, lynx, and ladybug. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast or simply curious about the wonders of wildlife, this list of animals that begin with L will captivate your imagination and deepen your appreciation for animals.
Commonly Known Animals That Begin With L
Prepare to be amazed by the abundance of remarkable animals that begin with the letter L! Love learning all things about animals be sure to check out Facts about Eagles.
Labradoodles are a cross between a labrador and a Poodle. They are a dog that seems to be a hypoallergenic coat that may be good for those who have allergies to animal dander. They have been most popular in the last few years as a pure breed. Before now they we counted as muts. Many choose this breed of dog for the temperament and coat that doesn’t shed. They are fun dogs for those that have time to spend to make them learn and train them to behave.
Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever is a dog breed that is bigger. They are a popular breed that seems to be good-tempered. They are known to be friendly, energetic, and playful. They have many different jobs they are bred to do some of which are hunting, companion, guide dog, rescue, or therapy dogs. They come in three different colors black, yellow, and chocolate. They can have all the colors in one litter. They are one of the most popular pets in the United States.
Ladybug is a small beetle. They are red with black spots. They like to eat other insects and will help you in your garden to help you get rid of aphids and scale insects that like to eat your plants in the garden. Their bright colors are a sign to their predators that they would not be tasty and are meant to scare them away. They live on every continent except Antarctica. They can live in both the trees and on the ground. They can live up to a year.
Lake Sturgeon
Lake Sturgeon are fish that are found in many different freshwater sources in the United States. They eat the things they can suck up and eat without teeth. They can live up to 55 years old. As males and 80 to 150 as females. They live at the bottom of the lake or river that you find them in. They can grow to 7 ¼ feet. They move around to be where they can find food. It is an endangered species. They have many different reasons for them to be on that list. Between them being gourmet food and were also a menace to the fishing gear.
Lakeland Terrier
Lakeland Terriers are a breed of dog. They are small to midsized. They are non-shedding dog that is full of energy and independent which can mean they need to have a lot of exercise and daily playtime. They are black and tan in color. They can run fast and are friendly, bold, and shy. They also can be intelligent. They can be easy to train and quick learners.
Lambs are baby sheep. They eat mostly grass and other greenery. Most lambs are born outside. They live in flocks and stay close to their mothers. Some are bred to be eaten and others for breeding more lambs. They are not safe away from the flock. And often they are looked after by the other sheep in their flock.
Large Carpenter Bee
Large Carpenter Bees live in trees and other wood. Unlike other bees, they live alone. They do not eat the wood they just nest in it. They eat pollen like other bees. Something neat to know about them is that males don’t have stingers and females do not sting you unless you directly provoke them.
Largemouth Bass
Largemouth Bass are fish that are in lakes all over and are popular fish to catch for sport. They eat other small fish, shad, worms, snails, crawfish, frogs, snakes, and salamanders. They can live long lives of 10 to 26 years in the wild. And can grow to 29.5 inches and 25 pounds. They are what is called an invasive species and have been known to come into a lake or pond and eat the other fish and kill them off.
Larks are a bird that lives on the ground not in trees. They are brown and black and white. This keeps them hidden on the ground from their predators. They sing beautiful songs and often get to be written and sung about because of that song. Larks like to sing early in the day usually before the sun comes up.
Laying Hen
Laying Hens are just that chickens that lay eggs. They are bred to lay lots of eggs. They will lay an egg almost every day even without a rooster. They are not good to eat as they have tough meat and are skinny. They are often found on farms that are there to make lots of eggs.
Leafcutter Ants
Leafcutter Ants can carry 20 times their body weight. They use the leaves they cut to feed the fungus they grow. They live underground and can make them as big as 98 feet across. Those colonies may have eight million individual ants. They are known to have next to humans one of the most complex and largest societies on Earth.
Least Chipmunk
The Least Chipmunk is the smallest chipmunk. They are found in the western United States. Mostly in sagebrush, woodlands, and along livers. They like to eat seeds, berries, nuts, fruit, and insects. They will pee on a place to mark that they cannot find any more food there and will not return to it. Their babies are born hairless and blind.
Leeches live in freshwater. They are a type of worm that will attach itself to animals and will suck their blood for food. They have been used in medicine to help with various things like joint problems or helping with clotting during surgery.
Leghorn Chicken
Leghorn Chicken comes in three colors black, white, and brown. They lay a lot of eggs about 280 eggs a year. When I hear the words leghorn chicken I think about the Looney Tunes character Foghorn Leghorn who is a chicken. He is a Leghorn chicken.
Lemmings are rodents that are small and round. They are brown and black and have long soft fur. They eat mostly grass and moss, Some say that you don’t want to be like Lemming and follow others off the cliff. They are known to jump off cliffs to try to migrate but not on purpose to kill themselves.
Lionfish have tentacles that have venomous spines on the end of them. Be careful not to touch them because of these shines. They use their tentacles to trap their prey and they eat them whole. People love to have them in their aquariums because they are beautiful to look at.
Little Owl
Little Owls live in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. They grow to be about 8.7 inches tall and weigh about 6.3 ounces. But with that, their wing span is 22 inches long. They are white and speckled brown on top and brown and white streaks on the bottom.
Lizards have many different species from big ones to small ones. They can be found to live in deserts to tropical climates as well. Lizards eat small insects they like to sit and wait for the bugs to come to them and pounce. They are very good at hiding since they are colored to camouflage into their habitat. Many lizards can detach their tail but will then still wiggle around to distract their predators and make it so they can get away. They then regrow their tails in just a few weeks.
Llamas live in herds. They are used for many different things and that includes using their cats when cut off to make clothes. They are known to spit at each other and they will spit at humans if they become too familiar with them and will start treating them as one of the herd.
Lobsters are crustaceans and live in the ocean in burrows on the ocean floor. They have a hard shells as they grow they have to shed one shell to grow another one. Lobsters can live up to 45 to 50 years old. Many people enjoy eating Lobster which people find delicious.
Locusts are grasshoppers. They usually live alone when there is drought then they can swarm which can cause them to eat all the plants that they can find and then fly off to find more. In some parts of the world, Locusts are considered food and eaten as meat.
Long-beaked Common Dolphin
Long-beaked Common dolphins are medium-sized and are grey on top and have white bellies. They live in pods that are families and either consist of moms and their kids or pods of all males.
Long-nosed Armadillo
Long-nosed Armadillos live in South America. They live alone and are nocturnal. They eat bugs and usually live near swamps and streams. They have a hard shell on their backs that when attacked they roll up into a ball and protect their soft body from damage.
Long-Haired Guinea Pig
Long-Haired Guinea Pigs are popular pets. They like to live in groups and are very smart with food. They can remember complex riots to food for many months. They are not good jumpers but they try to move things by running into them. They make a sound that is very unique to them. What sound they make depends on their mood.
Longhorns are cattle that are from Texas. They are recognized by their long horns. They can be very wildly in color. They are usually used as beef and they are the official large mammals of the state of Texas. Their horns can measure as long as 127.4 inches.
Zoo Animals That Start With L
Lace Monitor
Lace Monitors are able to grow to 6.6 feet and weigh up to 31 pounds. They live in Australia. They are great climbers and normally eat already dead animals. They also love to eat eggs and other small animals. They are venomous., but not enough to cause you to die. They like to swallow their food whole and can get it stuck in their throat.
Lappet-faced Vulture
Lappet-faced Vulture is a scavenger bird that looks for dead animals to feed on. They have no feathers on their head. They are one of the biggest wings for vultures. They usually live alone and they nest alone. They have one or two eggs at a time. They also will swarm a dead animal in groups of 25 to 50 on a carcass.
Large Flying Fox
The large Flying Fox is not a fox but a bat and is the largest bat species. Have a wing span of 4 feet 11 inches. They live in colonies and fly long distances to find food at night. When they fly they make noises when they eat. They eat fruit and swarm a fruit tree. They are territorial and show that by growling and spreading their wings.
Laughing Kookaburra
Laughing Kookaburra is a bird from Australia. They sound like they are laughing when they are making noise to protect their territory. They live in families and the young help the parents take care of each other. They eat mice or other small animals.
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Leatherback Sea turtles are the largest of living turtles. They live mostly in the open ocean. They mostly feed on jellyfish and will follow them around the ocean to feed. No one knows for sure but many believe they can live up to 100 years. When a female lays her eggs she goes back to the same place she as hatched and lays them there.
Lemurs are from Madagascar. There are many different species of Lemur. Smaller ones eat fruit and insects and larger ones will be more plants. Most of them live in groups of fewer than 15. The lemurs that we have seen in movies have rings of black and white on their tails.
Leopards are large cats that live in Asia and Africa. They live in trees and hunt animals for food. They have spots and tend to be alone and stat not too far from each other but do not mix unless they are cubs or mates. They like to hunt at night.
Leopard Seal
Leopard Seals are the second largest seal in the Atlantic. They eat all sorts of things, fish, birds and penguins are some of them. The only predator for the leopard seal is the orca or killer whale. They live in the cold weather and arctic most places that humans will not be comfortable.
Lesser Flamingo
Lesser Flamingos are the smallest flamingo. They may be the most populous flamingo. They live in Africa and India. They only lay one egg at a time on a muddy mound that they build.
Lions live in Africa and India. The female lions do the hunting and the males do not live with the pride or group of lions. The mane is what helps you tell whether they are male or female. Lions eat meat and hunt other animals that tey share with each other.
Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Loggerhead Sea Turtle lives all over the world in our oceans. They will eat both plants and animals. They rarely come on land unless they are laying eggs. When they hatch they have to crawl to the ocean before other predators eat them.
Lynx is a medium size cat. They have very specific black hair that points off of their ears. The bobcat is a lynx that we can find in the United States. They live alone they will have one to four kittens a year. They live in high-altitude forests.
Other Animals That Start With L
- La Plata Dolphin
- Labahoula
- Labmaraner
- Labout’s Fairy Wrasse
- Labrabull
- Labradane
- Labraheeler
- Labrottie
- Lace Bug
- Laced Woodpecker
- Lacewing
- Lady Amherst’s Pheasant
- Ladybird Beetle
- Ladyfish
- Lagorchestes
- Lagotto Romagnolo
- Lake Cumberland Snake
- Lake Trout
- Lake Whitefish
- Lakenfelder Cattle
- Lakenvelder Chicken
- LaMancha Goat
- Lammergeier
- Lamprey
- Lancashire Heeler
- Lancetfish
- Land Snail
- Landrace Pig
- Landseer Newfoundland
- Langur
- Lappet Moth
- Laotian Water Dragon
- Lanternfish
- Lanternfly
- Lappet-faced Vulture
- Lapponian Herder
- Lapwing
- Larder Beetle
- Laredo Striped Whiptail
- Large Milkweed Bug
- Large-Mouthed Kangaroo Rat
- Large Munsterlander
- Large White Butterfly
- Large White Pig
- Large-billed Crow
- Large Head Gecko
- Large Head Hairtail
- Large-Mouthed Kangaroo Rat
- Latastia Longicaudata
- Laughing Gull
- Lavender Albino Ball Python
- Lawnmower Blenny
- Lazarus Lizard
- Lazuli Bunting
- Leach’s Storm-petrel
- Leaf Beetle
- Leaf Insect
- Leaf Miner
- Leaf-scaled Sea Snake
- Leaf-Tailed Gecko
- Leafcutter Bee
- Leafy Sea Dragon
- Leafcutter Ant
- Leaf-footed Bug
- Leafhopper
- Leafhopper Assassin Bug
- Least Flycatcher
- Least Sandpiper
- Least Weasel
- Leatherjacket
- Leedsichthys
- Leghorn Chicken
- Leicester Longwool Sheep
- Leichhardt’s Grasshopper
- Lemon Blast Ball Python
- Lemon Shark
- Lemon Cuckoo Bumblebee
- Lemon Dove
- Leonberger
- Leopard Cat
- Leopard Frog
- Leopard Gecko
- Leopard Lizard
- Leopard Shark
- Leopard Tortoise
- Leptocephalus
- Lesser Antillean Iguana
- Lesser Earless Lizard
- Lesser Grain Borer
- Lesser Jacana
- Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
- Lesser Kestrel
- Lesser Kudu
- Lesser Scaup
- Lesser Stag Beetle
- Lesser Water Boatman
- Levaillant’s Cuckoo
- Lhasa Apso
- Lhasapoo
- Lichtenstein’s Sand Racer
- Liger
- Lilac-breasted Roller
- Limestone Brown
- Limousin Cattle
- Limpet
- Limpkin
- Lincoln Sheep
- Lineback Cattle
- Lined Day Gecko
- Lined Seahorse
- Lined Snake
- Linnet
- Lion-tailed Macaque
- Lion’s Mane Jellyfish
- Lionhead Rabbit
- Liopleurodon
- Lipizzan Horse
- Litter Beetle
- Litter Skink
- Little Blue Heron
- Little Brown Bat
- Little Egret
- Little File Snake
- Little Grebe
- Little Skate
- Little Spotted Kiwi
- Little Tern
- Livyatan
- Lizardfish
- Llama-like Guanaco
- Lleyn Sheep
- Loach
- Loggerhead Shrike
- Loggerhead Turtle
- Lohmann Brown Chicken
- Lohmann Tierzucht Chicken
- Lone Star Tick
- Long Arm Octopus
- Long Arm Squid
- Long Barbel Goatfish
- Long Snouted Pipefish
- Long-billed Corella
- Long-billed Curlew
- Long-billed Dowitcher
- Long-billed Thrasher
- Long-billed Vulture
- Long-eared Flying Squirrel
- Long-eared Hedgehog
- Long-eared Jerboa
- Long-Eared Owl
- Long-nosed Bandicoot
- Long-fingered Bat
- Long-finned Pilot Whale
- Long-Haired Rottweiler
- Long-horned Orb-weaver Spider
- Long-horned Woodchuck
- Long-legged Buzzard
- Long-nosed Leopard Lizard
- Long-nosed Potoroo
- Long-nosed Tree Snake
- Long-snouted Dolphin
- Long-snouted Seahorse
- Long-tailed Brush Lizard
- Long-tailed Chinchilla Lizard
- Long-Tailed Duck
- Long-tailed Macaque
- Long-tailed Marmot
- Long-tailed Mealybug
- Long-tailed Mongoose
- Long-tailed Planigale
- Long-tailed Pocket Mouse
- Long-tailed Pygmy Possum
- Long-tailed Shrew
- Long-Tailed Tit
- Long-tailed Tree Mouse
- Long-tailed Weasel
- Long-toed Salamander
- Long-Winged Kite Spider
- Longfin Bannerfish
- Longfin Mako Shark
- Longfin Tuna
- Longhorn Beetle
- Longnose Gar
- Longnose Lancetfish
- Longnose Sucker
- Long Snout Seahorse
- Long Spine Squirrelfish
- Longspur
- Longtail Tuna
- Longtooth Grouper
- Loon
- Lop Rabbit
- Lophelia Coral
- Lorikeet
- Loris
- Lory
- Louisiana Heron
- Louisiana Pine Snake
- Louse
- Louvar
- Lovebird
- Lowchen
- Lowland Anoa
- Lowland Paca
- Lowland Streaked Tenrec
- Lowland Tapir
- Loxostege Sticticalis
- Luminous Hake
- Luminous Shrimp
- Lumpfish
- Luna Moth
- Lumpsucker
- Lungfish
- Lunkarya Guinea Pig
- Lurcher
- Lusitano Horse
- Lycra Lobster
- Lykoi Cat
- Lynx Spider
- Lyrebird
We hope you found an animal you didn’t already know about! I know we did when we were putting this list together. If you learned something new, leave us a comment!