38 Animals That Start With Z with Pictures & Facts

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Ready to embark on a thrilling adventure through the animal kingdom with your kids? Check out this list of animals that start with Z. Prepare to be amazed by the diverse habitats these animals live in around the world—ranging from bodies of water to caves and even the vast savannas of Africa. Join us on this exciting journey as we explore the captivating animals that start with Z.

featured image with yellow background, bold title that says "Animals that Start with Z" and images of animals that start with Z

There are more animals than i originally thought when I started thinking about animals that start with the letter Z. Some favorites among kids include the zebra, the zookeeper’s friend, and the zebra finch, but did you know there was an animal called the Zorilla? It’s true! Find more fascinating animals on our animal adventure. 

As we venture forth and uncover interesting facts, you and your kids will be astounded by what we discover about these remarkable Z animals.

Ready to check out more cool animals? Be sure to visit our Animals that Begin with J and our Animals that Begin with L.

Commonly Known Animals That Start With Z

These animals that begin with Z are some of the most commonly known animals worldwide. 

in post image with yellow background, large letter Z, animal that starts with Z and a title that says "Zebra Dove"

Zebra Dove

Zebra Doves are birds that live in Southeast Asia. They make beautiful soft, staccato cooing calls. They have black and white stripes like a zebra. They like to live in scrubs, farmland, and open country. They are often seen in parks. They are one of the most abundant birds in Hawaii.

Zebra Finch

Zebra Finches are birds that are found in Australia and Indonesia. They eat seeds and travel in large flocks. They are very social and like to be together in groups. They are able to learn new songs and have been known to make up new songs and change the way they communicate. 

in post image with yellow background, large letter Z, animal that starts with Z and a title that says "Zebra Longwing Butterfly"

Zebra Longwing Butterfly

Zebra Longwing Butterflies have black and white stripes that are there to warn off predators. They live all over Central and South America as well as southern Texas and parts of Florida and will migrate to the north as the weather gets warmer. At night they gather in groups of 60 or more to sleep and stay safe from predators. 

Zebra Mussels

Zebra Mussels are small and live in freshwater. They started out in Russia and Ukraine but have been accidentally put in other countries and have become a problem there. They can make the lake floor food supply healthier because they filter out pollution in the water. They will even grow on top of other mussels and clams and can cause them to die off.

in post image with yellow background, large letter Z, animal that starts with Z and a title that says "Zebra Shark"

Zebra Shark

Zebra Sharks are most active at night and spend most of the day resting motionless on the ocean floor. Most of the year, they are alone, but in certain seasons they form large groups. No one knows the reason for these groupings, but they do happen every once in a while. They are not a danger to humans unless you try to pull on them or ride them, then, they might bite.

Zebra Spitting Cobra

Zebra Spitting Cobras are snakes that are found in the deserts and drier parts of southern Africa. They are mostly active at night and are seen when crossing the roads at night. They have dark brown and white stripes. They are very venomous and can cause a lot of harm if they bite you, but they also are known to spit their venom as well. When they spit it they can cause blindness.

in post image with yellow background, large letter Z, animal that starts with Z and a title that says "Zebrafish"


Zebrafish live in freshwater. You may find them in your friend’s aquarium as they are very popular as pets. They are considered beginner fish and are not easy to kill. They like to be in schools of 6 or more. They are named after the black and white stripes that are on its side. 

Zoo Animals That Start With Z

Headed to the zoo? See how many of these zoo animals that start with Z you can find while visiting! 

in post image with yellow background, large letter Z, animal that starts with Z and a title that says "Zebra"


Zebras are the horse of the African plains. The Zebra’s stripes are different for each Zebra, and each one is unique. They eat mostly grasses and other things that grow out of the ground. The lion is the biggest predator and usually will run away but can be known to bite and kick when threatened. 

Zebra Tarantula

Zebra Tarantulas are also known as striped knee tarantulas. They are spiders that live in western Costa Rica and other Central American countries. They live in burrows in the ground in groups and those burrows help them stay at a good temperature and humidity for them. They do not like humans and will usually run but have been known to throw their hair to irritate people.

in post image with yellow background, large letter Z, animal that starts with Z and a title that says "Zebra-tailed Lizard"

Zebra-tailed Lizard

Zebra-tailed Lizards are found in the Southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico. They like to live in open deserts with hard-packed soil, little plants and rocks, flats, washes, and plains. They are active during the day but will not be that active during the hottest part of the day. They run fast when they are afraid and can even be seen running on just their back legs for a little way.

Other Animals That Start With Z

Love learning about animals that start with Z? These are other animals that are less common throughout the world. How many of these animals have you seen or heard of?

in post image with yellow background, large letter Z, animal that starts with Z and a title that says "Zanzibar Red Colobus"
  • Zanzibar Red Colobus
  • Zanzibar Red Duiker
  • Zapata Wren
  • Zebra Duiker
  • Zebra gecko
  • Zebra Pleco
  • Zebra Snake
  • Zebra snake-necked turtle
  • Zebra spiny tail iguana
  • Zebrette
  • Zebroid
  • Zebu
  • Zebu Cattle
  • Zenaida Dove
  • Zigzag Salamander
in post image with yellow background, large letter Z, animal that starts with Z and a title that says "Zimmer's Quail"
  • Zimmer’s Quail
  • Ziphius
  • Zokor
  • Zonata snake
  • Zone-tailed hawk
  • Zone-tailed Pigeon
  • Zonkey
  • Zorilla
  • Zorro
  • Zorse
  • Zuchon
  • Zululand dwarf chameleon
  • Zyzomys (rodent)
in post image with yellow background, large letter Z, animal that starts with Z and a title that says "Zyzomys"

There you have it! A great list of animals that start with Z to expand your knowledge of all our favorite animals. Did we miss any? Share them in the comments so we can add them to the list.

Be sure to check out our other animal lists.

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