40 Incredible Facts About Your Heart

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Ready to learn some of the most fascinating facts about what keeps you alive? Well, get pumped as we dive into these facts about your heart. The most incredible organ in your entire body. 

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Did you know your heart is slightly tilted to the left and within your chest? Your heart is the center of your circulatory system and it pumps blood to every corner of your body day and night!  Your heart is about the size of your two fists clenched together (bet you just tried it!). Sure, it may seem small, but it is one of the most fascinating organs in your body that supports every organ system. 

The heart consists of 4 different chambers that contract and relaxes about 100,000 times a day to circulate 2000 gallons of blood. 

Find out more facts about your heart with this growing list of heart facts. You are sure to discover something you did not know before. 

If you want to learn even more fun facts with your friends and family, check out our list of Facts About Earth and Epic Bug Facts to discover even more fascinating finds you didn’t know before. 

40 Amazing Facts About Your Heart

in post image with white background, red border, bold pink title that says "Heart Facts", text of a fact about your heart, and an image of a heart
  1. Your heart can weigh as much as 15 ounces.
  2. The fastest human heartbeats belong to newborn babies.
  3. Your heart is actually in the middle of your chest behind your breastbone but it tilts to the left which makes it easier to hear on that side.
  4. Your heartbeat about 100,000 times in a day.
  5. Your heart can pump a lot of fluid in a day, about 2,000 gallons.
in post image with white background, red border, bold pink title that says "Heart Facts", text of a fact about your heart, and an image of a heart
  1. Monday mornings are when the most heart attacks happen.
  2. There are miles of blood vessels in your body, 60,000 miles to be specific.
  3. No one knows where the idea of the heart being associated with love came from.
  4. A man’s signs of a heart attack are different than those of a woman’s.
  5. Keep laughing. It is good for your heart.
in post image with white background, red border, bold pink title that says "Heart Facts", text of a fact about your heart, and an image of a heart
  1. If you are a sprinter, you need to have a strong heart it works twice as hard as your legs do.
  2. Sneezing does not make your heart stop.
  3. The aorta is the largest artery in your body and can be as big as a garden hose.
  4. When you are heartbroken, you can feel the same symptoms as a heart attack.
  5. Some capillaries are ten times smaller than a human hair.
in post image with white background, red border, bold pink title that says "Heart Facts", text of a fact about your heart, and an image of a heart
  1. A horse can make their heartbeat the same as a human that is touching them.
  2. Women’s heartbeats are 8 times faster than a man’s on average.
  3. The size of an adult heart is about the same as two hands clasped together.
  4. A child’s heart is about the size of a fist.
  5. All the cells in your body get blood from the heart except the cornea.
in post image with white background, red border, bold pink title that says "Heart Facts", text of a fact about your heart, and an image of a heart
  1. The left side of your heart pumps blood to most of your body except for the lungs which is done by the right side.
  2. Christmas Day is the day that most heart attacks happen.
  3. The number one cause of death in the US is heart disease.
  4. The more education you get, the lower your risk of heart disease.
  5. The size of a normal heart valve is about the size of a half dollar.
in post image with white background, red border, bold pink title that says "Heart Facts", text of a fact about your heart, and an image of a heart
  1. The first pacemaker actually plugged into the wall.
  2. Happiness and a sense of emotional vitality will help you lower the risk of heart disease.
  3. The blue whale’s heart weighs over 1,500 pounds and they have the largest heart.
  4. Before the invention of the stethoscope, a doctor pressed their ear to their patient’s chest to listen to their heart.
  5. The best thing to keep your heart healthy is exercise.
in post image with white background, red border, bold pink title that says "Heart Facts", text of a fact about your heart, and an image of a heart
  1. They found signs of heart disease in a 3000-year-old mummy.
  2. The sound of your heart beating is the valve leaflets opening and closing.
  3. Getting heart cancer is very rare mostly because your heart cells stop dividing early in your life.
  4. Your heart will keep beating when separated from your body because it has its own electrical supply.
  5. Each time it beats, a normal heart pumps about 4 tablespoons of blood.
in post image with white background, red border, bold pink title that says "Heart Facts", text of a fact about your heart, and an image of a heart
  1. Running at any speed can reduce your chance of heart disease by 45%.
  2. Managing smoking, high blood pressure, and cholesterol can lower the impact of your inherited heart problems.
  3. The fairy fly, which is a kind of wasp, has the smallest heart of any living creature.
  4. The American pygmy shrew has the fastest heartbeat at 1,200 beats per minute.
  5. Daniel Hale Williams, one of the few black cardiologists in the United States in 1893, was the first to perform open heart surgery.
in post image with white background, red border, bold pink title that says "Heart Facts", text of a fact about your heart, and an image of a heart

Wow! What an incredible organ! Do you know any other heart facts? Be sure to leave them in the comments and we’ll add them to the list!

Are you looking for more fun and engaging facts to share with your family? Check out these other posts for more facts!

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