Answering trivia questions is a great exercise for any teen brain. These teen Trivia questions can be answered individually or with a group of friends. So grab your teenager and get ready to spend some quality time answering trivia questions for teens.

Guess what! Trivia questions are an excellent opportunity to give teenagers a break from technology, increase social interaction, and improve their thinking. I can promise you that having some trivia questions on hand will help offer your teen something more to do than video games. Thanks to trivia questions, I have found a great way to start and keep conversations happening with my teenagers.

Why I love Trivia Games
Trivia games help to exercise and stretch your brain.
Trivia questions allow you to share facts and information and help you learn what your family, friends, or coworkers know. You can keep it interesting by having trivia from multiple topics. Check out Baseball Trivia, Spring break trivia, or prepare for upcoming summer activities with Outdoor Trivia.
A trivia night with friends is a great way to experience healthy competition, practice teamwork, and learn how to win (or lose) with grace. If trivia game night becomes a regular thing, a trophy to be held by the winner until the next game can add to the fun of the competition.
Love Trivia Questions? Grab this ultimate trivia bundle!
How To Play Trivia
There are several different ways you can play a game of trivia. You can keep it simple with friends sitting together and reading questions and waiting for discussions or answers.
A second option, you could establish a more official game with rules, rounds, scorecards, and prizes.
Here are some basic rules and suggestions for setting up a friendly game of trivia.
- Choose a moderator for the game.
- Divide players into two or more teams. Ideally, your team size should be between 2 – 6 players.
- Choose a scribe. This person will write down the team’s answers.
- Play six rounds with ten questions each.
- Keep things interesting with different categories and different types of questions. The best questions ask for definitions or short answers. Categories can include geography, history, movies, famous people, etc.
- Tie-breaker questions: At the end of the sixth round, if there is a tie, the host should prepare a tie-breaker question to determine the winner.
- Keeping the score: Determine how to score answers before the game begins. The closer you are to the correct answer, the higher the points earned. The winner is the person or the team with the most points.

Benefits of Trivia Games
Trivia has been described as mental cross-training. It adds to increased brain health and improves cognitive abilities for all ages. Here are a few of the positive benefits that come with a game of Trivia.
- Increases knowledge and may create new interests.
- Helps players learn teamwork
- Promotes friendship and harmony within the group.
- Help make new friends.
- Help build relationships through conversation.
Tips for Playing
Trivia Games are a simple way to gather friends and family for fun. Here are some tips to help create memorable moments for everyone.
- Make sure your questions are well written and know your answers.
- Know your audience. Know their ages and their skill levels. This can help ensure everyone feels included and has a great time.
- Have great prizes. Everyone likes to win something. Even small prizes help keep people engaged and wanting to win.
- Be clear on the rules. How long will you play? What is the length of time between asking the question and giving the answers?
- Have a scorecard where it can be seen by all players.
Ready to play! Grab this Ultimate Trivia Mega Bundle.

Teen Trivia Questions
You can find the complete list of 110 Teen Trivia questions for one low price here, or refer to the list of questions below and enjoy some time with your friends and family.

- Can you name each of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael
- Can you name each of the Sanderson sisters from the movie Hocus Pocus? Mary, Sarah, Winifred
- What country was The Lord of the Rings filmed in? New Zealand
- In the movie Jurassic Park, the velociraptor’s noises are the mating sounds of what animals? Tortoises
- In the movie The Sandlot, what is the dog’s nickname? Beast
- What actor is the voice of Mufasa in the movie The Lion King? James Earl Jones
- The last letter in the Greek alphabet is known as? Omega
- What body part does a dog sweat from? Paws
- How long is a baby kangaroo at birth? One inch
- A horse can make how many different facial expressions? 17

- What is the fastest animal on land? Cheetah
- A group of kittens is called what? A kindle
- Sea otters use what technique to keep from drifting away from each other? They hold hands
- What insect can lift 5,000 times their body weight? Ant
- Caterpillars have how many eyes? Twelve
- Turtles breathe out of what part of their body? Their butt
- What part of the body do snakes use to smell? Their tongue
- The US state of Georgia is known for growing what fruit? Peaches
- What is the official state pie for Florida? Key Lime
- What is the official state vegetable for the state of Idaho? Potatoes

- The state of Massachusetts is known for what yummy dessert? Boston Cream Pie
- The state of Utah is famous for this favorite snack food? Jello
- What farm animal does not have upper teeth on their jaw? Goat/sheep
- A male penguin will give what to a female? A Rock
- How many months is a female elephant’s pregnancy? 22 months
- Which bird can move their head 180 degrees but cannot move their eyes? Owl
- A shark has how many bones in their body? None
- The name for a rabbit’s tail is? Scut
- A shrimp’s heart is located where in its body? Head
- The unicorn is known as the national animal for what country? Scotland

- Capuchin Monkeys are known to wash their hands and feet in what? Urine
- What shape do dragonflies make with their tails when mating? Heart
- A koala bear spends most of its day doing what activity? Sleeping
- A hen can lay how many eggs in one year? 227
- Which animal is known for having stripes on its fur and skin? Tiger
- Horned lizards squirt what from their eyes as a defensive mechanism? Blood
- Flamingos are what color when they are born? Grey
- How many brains do Leeches have? 32
- How many compartments are in a cow’s stomach? 4
- Another name for rabbit used for fur and meat? A flemish giant

- What do the letters smh mean? Shake my head
- What is the main ingredient of mince pie? Fruit
- What is the slang term for the excess skin at the joint of a person’s elbow?Weenus
- Another name for a group of unicorns? A blessing
- What is the word for “entrance” in Swedish? Infart
- What is the word for “driveway” in Swedish? Uppart
- How many times a day do Americans open their fridge? 22
- Another name for a sandstorm? Haboob
- Batman lives in what city? Gotham City
- What is the top award given for Sailboat racing? America’s cup

- A human will average how many breaths every day? 23,000
- What was the first sport played on the moon? Golf
- Our solar system is made up of how many planets? Eight
- What is the old-fashioned name for tomato? Love apple
- Ancient Romans used what to dye their hair? Bird poop
- Name two states that do not observe Daylight Saving Time? Arizona and Hawaii
- Crayons are made from what substance? Wax
- Seismology is the study of? Earthquakes
- The word “jaggary” describes what in Indian cooking. Sugar
- The ocean that is the most shallow in the world? Arctic ocean

- Which ocean contains more than half of the free water on Earth? Pacific Ocean
- Percy Jackson defeats what monster in the book The Lightning Thief? Minotaur
- Vanilla flavoring comes from which flower? Orchid
- Which muscle is the strongest in the human body? Jaw muscle
- How much spit will you produce in your lifetime? 40,000 liters
- Where is the best place in the world to see rainbows? Hawaii
- What whale is known as the Barry White of the ocean? Fin Whales
- Name the oldest profession in the world. Dentistry
- What is the name of the hottest chili pepper in the world? Dragon’s Breath Chili pepper
- What islands are named after dogs, not birds? Canary

- What climate change agreement was signed by the largest number of countries in one day? The Paris Agreement
- What is the coldest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica? -144 degrees Fahrenheit
- What country is the world’s most earthquake-prone country? Japan
- How many individual bacteria are on the earth? 4 quadrillion quadrillion
- What is the most popular name in the world? Muhammad
- Which two countries use purple in their national flags? Nicaragua and Dominica
- What two countries have 90 percent of the world’s rural population? Africa and Asia
- How many countries competed in the 2018 Winter Olympics? 92
- Name the youngest country in the world. South Sudan
- How many time zones are there in the world? 24

- Which country is estimated to have more islands than any other country? Sweden
- What is the most widely spoken language in the world? Mandarin Chinese
- Name the most bike-friendly city in the world. Copenhagen
- What two countries are the only ones with “The” in their title? The Bahamas and The Gambia
- What is the world’s largest city? Tokyo
- Which country has the most pyramids in the world? Sudan
- What country has only a one-time zone? China
- Which country has a festival named Monkey Buffet Festival? Thailand
- What was the first food eaten in space? Applesauce
- What was the first food planted in space? Potatoes

- Which vegetable is 95% water? Cucumbers
- What professional created cotton candy? Dentist
- What vegetable grows so fast you can hear it? Rhubarb
- What is the most-eaten food in the world? Rice
- What cake got its name because of its recipe? Pound cake
- What popular condiment was once used as a medicine? etchup
- What is the most stolen food in the world? Cheese
- What is another name for bee vomit? Honey
- Japanese Chefs must train for over two years to qualify to serve what? Pufferfish
- French fries originated in what country? Belgium

- Which country produces, consumes and exports the most chili peppers worldwide? India
- What do 49% of Americans over the age of 20 eat every day? Sandwich
- Flamin Hot Cheetos were invented by a person in what profession? Janitor
- What Chinese staple food was invented in San Francisco in the early 1900s? Fortune Cookies
- Which state is the world’s 5th largest supplier of food?California
- What year did Astronauts eat food that was grown in space? 2015
- What is the world’s smallest mammal? Bumblebee bat
- What food is known for being a combination of “spice” and “ham”? Spam
- What country has one vending machine for every 40 people? Japan
- What is the only letter that does NOT appear in any U.S. state name? The letter Q

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