Are you ready to tick-tock into some challenging clock riddles? Let the countdown begin to the fun. These clock riddles will test your brains as we explore the world of clocks.

So sync up your watches and don’t forget to wind up your brains because we are going to dive into the whole world of clocks. Can you solve these all before the clock strikes midnight? Time will tell if you and your friends and family can solve them in seconds.
Love riddles? Be sure you check out some of our other riddle fun with our Spring Riddles and our Riddles For Teenagers That Won’t Get Eye Rolls.

Best Clock Riddles

Q: Why was the clock arrested? For killing time.
Q: What do you get when you cross a dog and a clock? Watchdog.
Q: My hands are just as important as my face, and I’m not one to sit still. What am I? Clock.
Q: If you look at the numbers on my face, you won’t find thirteen anywhere. What am I? A clock.
Q: Every night I’m told what to do and each morning I do what I’m told, yet never do I escape your scolding. What am I? Alarm clock.
Q: My hands move, yet I’m grounded; I can sing but cannot talk. What am I? Clock tower.
Q: Swinging back and forth, this object goes. It travels nowhere, but it controls the clock. What is it? Pendulum.
Q: I am mostly wrong, but exactly right twice a day. What am I? A broken clock.
Q: In games, it is a chance for the losing team to win. At work, it is a chance to make more money. To get the answer, just look above the clock. Overtime.
Q: What will my 24-hour clock read in 80 hours from now, if it currently reads 11:00? Nineteen hundred hours.
Q: How many times do a clock’s hands overlap in a day ? 22 times.
Q: Peeta asks Katniss, ‘It is 9 pm as per my watch right now. Do you know what will be the time 23, 999, 997 hours later?’ 6 PM.
Q: The needles of a clock overlaps at 12:00 in a 12 hour format clock. When will the two needles overlap again? At 1:05
Q: Yesterday I noticed that in my clock, there is a time when the hour needle and the minute needle are exactly between 1 and 2. Also, both the needles lie on top of each other. What time am I talking about? 12
Q: Time 12:21 is a palindrome as it reads the same forwards or backward. Whats the shortest interval between two palindromic times? Example => 11:11 and 12:21 has interval of 1 hr 10 minutes. 2 minutes (duration between 9:59 and 10:01)
Q: Two observations were made of a clock at different times: 1st observation: The hour hand is exactly at a minute mark and the minute hand is six minutes ahead of it. 2nd observation: The hour hand is exactly on a dissimilar minute mark and the minute hand is seven minutes ahead of it. Can you find out how much time has passed between the above two observations? The time at first observation: 1:12. The time at second observation: 3:24. Thus, two hours and twelve minutes have passed between the two observations.
Q: A clock is observed by someone. The hour hand is exactly at a minute mark, and the minute hand is six minutes ahead of it in the first glance. When the clock is looked at again, the hour hand is exactly on a different minute mark, and the minute hand is seven minutes ahead of it this time. Can you find out the time that has elapsed between the first and the second observation? In the first observation, the time was 1:12. In the second observation, the time was 3:24. Therefore, 2 hours and 12 minutes have elapsed.
Q: An analogue wall clock is displaying the time as exactly 3:15. Can you calculate the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand? When fifteen minutes have passed, the hour hand has already moved exactly one fourth of an hour. Thus the angle between the hour hand and minute hand will be of 7.5 degrees.
Q: There is an antique clock exhibition. So many clock are piled up with distinct numbers tagged with them. The person managing it hangs different clocks numbers periodically on the main wall. At 9:20 am, he hung the clock number 200; at 11:00 am, he hung the clock number 30; at 4:00 pm, he hung the clock number 240. Which numbered clock will he hang on the wall when the time is 7:30 PM? He will hang clock number 315 at 7:30pm. The person has been hanging the clock number which corresponds with the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand of the clock at that time.
Q: There are many instance in a day when minute needle and hour needle of a clock comes in a straight line. How many time? 44
Q: A clock loses 10 minutes each hour. If the clock is set correctly at noon, what time is it when it reads 3 PM? 3:36 PM

- Q: Time is ticking on, clicks of the clock wearing, beautiful clothes, and dancing the night away. No one knows who was really there that day. Cinderella.
- Q: A minute, a second, an hour, a day; Without me, they all fall away. Composed of precision and running on wires and gears, I am the ultimate timepiece, the one even a clock fears. What am I? Chronometer
- Q: I cannot fit on a wrist nor a wall, yet I can still tell time to all. What am I? Clock tower.
- Q: I move like clockwork, but I am but a prototype of what we have now. I imitate you. My better brothers are shown in sci-fi all the time. Automaton.

Do you have even more fun clock riddles? Add them to the comments so we can try and solve them.
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