Looking for some clever riddles that make you think? Try a byte of these funny computer riddles for kids! They’re sure to have you giggling non-stop!

Jokes and riddles are the best way to make even the most serious things fun, and our computer riddles for kids are the greatest!
Each hilarious punchline will have you laughing so hard, you’ll want to store them in your memory and tell them again and again! Be sure to grab these computer riddles for kids and share them today!
No need to screen these riddles for your kids; our computer riddles for kids are totally clean and family-friendly. They’ll love hearing them and repeating them to all of their friends on the playground or at the lunch table!
For more silly fun, click over to our spy jokes for kids and train jokes for kids!

The Best Computer Riddles for Kids

- Q: I have keys but do not lock. I have space but have no room. You can enter but not come in. What am I? Keyboard.
- Q: I am in the school or home. I have a mouse. You can use me for work or games. You can use me for email I know! What am I? A computer.
- Q: I scurry around your desk, but I am not a pest. What am I? A computer mouse
- Q: I come in square package, but I’m round. I contain lots of information for your computer. Handle me carefully. What am I? Compact Disc.
- Q: I am a mini solar powered computer. What am I? A calculator.
- I am an eight letter word and I am a computer terminology. The second, third and fourth letters make an animal. The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth letters make a weapon. The first, second, third and fourth letters can be taken as an outcome of any exam. The fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth letter combine to form a high end typing software. What am I? Password.
- Q: A box to anywhere. Just watch for my glare. What am I? A monitor.
- Q: What does a baby computer call his father? Data!
- Q: What is a computer virus? A terminal illness!
- Q: Why is a computer so smart? It listens to its motherboard
- Q: Why couldn’t the elephant use the computer? He was afraid of the mouse!
- Q: How do you know when your cat has been using your computer? When your mouse has teeth marks on it!
- Q: What do computer programmers sing in the shower? Disc-o.
- Q: Name a five letter word which has three consonants all the same and two different vowels. Every now and then you see this while running a Windows 95/98 on your PC. Error! Error! Error!
- Q: Why do they not allow you to fart in an Apple Store? Because they don’t have Windows.

- Q: What did the computer do at lunchtime? It had a byte!
- Q: What do you get if you stuff your computer’s disk drive with herbs? A thyme machine.
- Q: Why is a computer so smart? It listens to its motherboard.
- Q: What did the dentist say to the computer? This won’t hurt a byte.
- Q: What did the computer eat on the moon? Space bars.
- Q: What do computers eat when they get hungry? Chips
- Q: What do you call a computer hero? A screen saver
- Q: What do you get if you cross a computer with a hamburger? A big mac.
- Q: Why are you like a computer whiz? Because it seems you know how to turn my software to hardware.
- Q: Why can’t computers play tennis? They try to surf the net.

- Q: What happened when the computer geeks met? It was love at first site!
- Q: Why are computer nerds called ninjas? They can handle a the terrorbyte-ing computer!
- Q: What do computers eat for a snack? Microchips!
- Q: What computer sings the best? A Dell!
- Q: What did the spider do on the computer? Made a website!
- Q: Why did the computer go to the nurse? It had a Virus
- Q: What do the cookie and the computer have in common? They both have chips.
- Q: How do you know when a computer monitor is sad? When it breaks down
- Q: Why did Sally’s computer keep sneezing? It had a virus
- Q: What does a computer do when it’s tired? It crashes
- Q: Why did the computer get glasses? To improve his web sight.
- Q: What is an aliens favorite place on a computer? The space bar
- Q: How do computers snack? They eat cookies and spam one byte at a time
- Q: Bad children often find themselves sitting in these? A corner
- Q: What do you call a nurse that treats websites? A URLologist
- Q: Who was the first computer technician? Eve. She had an Apple in one hand and a Wang in the other.
- Q: Why did Mark Zuckerberg visit China? To see the “Great Firewall”.
- Q: Why are computer nerds called ninjas? They can handle a the terrorbyte-ing computer!
- Q: Why did the spider get a job in I.T? He was a great web designer!
- Q: What company makes billions of dollars selling Windows? Microsoft.
- Q: What do computer experts do at weekends? Go for a disk drive.
- Q: What did the mouse say to the webcam? Cheese.
- Q: What did one keyboard say to the other keyboard? Sorry, you’re not my type.
- Q: What creature has the best aptitude for engineering? The spider,- It has its own website.
- Q: How many Java programmers does it take to change a light bulb? One, to generate a “ChangeLightBulb” event to the socket.

- Q: How does Bill Gates enter his house? He uses “windows”.
- Q: How do you crash a PC? Switch it on.
- Q. What did the iPhone say to the other iPhone? “It is nice to text you.”
- Q. Why couldn’t the dinosaur play games on the computer? Because he ate the mouse.
- Q. Why can you never trust spiders? Because they post stuff on the web.
- Q. Why was the computer cold at night? It forgot to close its windows.
- Q. How do you know when a dumb person has been on the computer? There’s white-out all over the screen.
- Q. What is a popular search engine for ghosts? GHOULgle!
- Q. How does a tree get on the computer? It logs on!
- Q. Why was the computer late to work? He had a hard-drive.
- Q. Why did the cat sit on the computer? To keep an eye on the mouse.
- Q. What did the computer say to the cookie? “Can I have your chocolate chip?”
- Q. Why did the spider take a laptop to the beach? So it could surf the web.
- Q. Where do computers keep their money? In a data bank.
- Q: How do computer programmers make extra money in the summer? They take on part-time jobs helping campers get rid of bugs!
- Q: What did the turkey say to the computer? Google, google, google!
- Q: What do rabbits put in their computers? Hoppy disks!
- Q: What do you get if you cross a computer with an elephant? Lots of Memory
- Q: What do you get when you cross a computer with an elephant? Lots of memory!
- Q: What do you get when you cross a dog and a computer? A machine that has a bark worse than its byte.
- Q: What do you get when you cross a pitbull with a computer? Lots of Bytes!
- Q: What is a robot’s favorite snack? Computer chips.
- Q: What kind of computer was most loved by worms? The Macintosh.
- Q: What is the astronaut’s favorite part of the computer? The space bar.

- Q: What’s the difference between a mouse and a computer mouse? The tail of mouse is at the back and that of the computer mouse is at the front!
- Q: Who chases computer criminals? A hacker-tracker.
- Q: Why did the computer go to the dentist? It had a blue tooth.
- Q: Why did the computer teacher scream? They saw a mouse.
- Q: Why was the teenager no longer allowed online without a license? He crashed the computer.
- Q: Why was there a bug in the computer? Because it was looking for a byte to eat?
Who has some fun computer riddles? Share them in the comments so we can add them to the list!
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- Map Riddles
- Food Riddles
- Library Riddles
- Beach Riddles
- Gold Riddles
- Clock Riddles
- Chair Riddles
- Smile Riddles
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Love Riddles? Check out these!
- The Best Riddles for Kids
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- Library Riddles
- Beach Riddles
- Gold Riddles
- Clock Riddles
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- Smile Riddles
“Why is a computer so smart? It listens to its motherboard.” I am going to tell this one to my kids right now!! 🙂