The Best Paint Riddles For Kids To Brighten Your Day

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Need to brighten your day? Stir up some giggles with these paint riddles for kids! Each wholesome punchline will make you think and have everyone roller-ing with laughter! 

tubes of paint, red paintbrush dipping in watercolors on blue background with white text that says "paint riddles for kids"

If you are looking to brush up on the funniest jokes and riddles, you’ve got to check out these paint riddles for kids! Each clever riddle will keep you guessing and giggling with easel. Be sure to grab these paint riddles for kids and swatch your family and friends crack up with laughter!

Our paint riddles for kids are totally clean and kid-friendly, so you won’t have a chip on your shoulder when you find your kids memorizing them or repeating them to their friends. They’ll have everyone chuckling non-stop! For more funny riddles, check out these silly rabbit riddles for kids and  Disney riddles for kids! 

tubes of paint, blue paintbrush dipping in palate on blue background with white text that says "paint riddles for kids"

The Best Paint Riddles For Kids

Paint palette with various colors of paint on white card with blue border with paint riddles
  • It might be worth wearing an apron to keep your clothes nice and smart so your brush doesn’t splash this on you. When making a piece of art. -Paint
  • You often use it with a brush but not the kind used on your hair. Add it nicely to some canvas so that people will stop and stare. -Paint
  • Even though it comes in a can, This is something you shouldn’t eat instead you add it to the walls to make a room look really neat. -Paint
  • I sometimes come in a can but I’m not food, I sometimes come in a bottle but I’m not a beverage, I come in different colors but I’m not a rainbow. I’m sometimes used with canvas but I’m not a tent. I’m used with a brush but I’m not toothpaste. What am I? Paint
  • Q: Why did the vampire take art class? He wanted to learn how to draw blood.
  • Q: What do you call a gorilla that plays with clay? A Hairy Potter! (Harry Potter)
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  • Q: Why does a blonde nurse carry around a red pen? To draw blood.
  • Q: What is black and smells like white paint? Black paint
  • Q: How do you inspire an artist? Easel-y
  • Q: What does Salvador Dali have for breakfast? A bowl of surreal!
  • Q: What does a momma color wheel say to a baby color wheel? Dont use that tone with me.
  • Q: Which animals are famous painters? Pablo Pig-caso and Vincent van Goat!
  • Q: Why did the paintbrush see a doctor? It had a stroke!
  • Q: What did the artist draw before he went to bed? The curtains
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  • Q: Who is a bodybuilder’s favorite painter? Gainsborough
  • Q: What do you call an artist who sculpts with bicycle parts? Cycleangelo
  • Q: What do you call a mom who can’t draw? Tracy
  • Q: What’s green and smells like blue paint? Green paint!
  • Q: What did the painter say to her boyfriend? I love you with all my art!
  • Q: How does the Easter Bunny paint all the Easter eggs? He hires Santa’s elves during the off season.
  • Q: Why did the vampire flunk art class? Because he could only draw blood!
green tube of paint on white card with blue border with paint riddle
  • Q: What is black and smells like white paint? Black paint
  • Q: Why do statues and paintings of George Washington always show him standing? Because he would never lie.
  • Q: Why do elephants paint their toenails red? So they can hide in strawberry patches.
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  • Q: What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away? Charcoal
  • Q: I am a kind of coat that can only be put on when wet. What am I? Paint
  • I sometimes have paint put on me but Im not a wall. I come from trees but Im not a fruit. I get put in a printer but Im not ink. What am I? Paper
  • Im sometimes pink at one end but Im not lipstick. I can come in many different colors but Im not a car. I can become blunt but Im not a knife. I contain lead but Im not metallic. Im a writing instrument but Im not a pen. What am I? Pencil
  • I can cut but Im not a knife. I sometimes have paint put on me but Im not a wall. I come from trees but Im not a fruit. Im a sheet but I dont get put on a bed. I get put in a printer but Im not ink… What am I? Paper
  • Although my center contains lead. It isnt very tough and so you need to sharpen it. In order to draw stuff. What am I? Pencil
  • I can come in many colors like red, yellow, orange, blue or green. When you put me on paper your drawings or writing can be seen. What am I? Crayon
  • I am only useful When I am full, Yet I am always Full of holes. What am I? Sponge
  • Plenty of sheets but no bed in sight. It can cut you but it doesnt bite. What am I? Paper

What are your favorite paint riddles for kids? Share them in the comments so we can add them to the list!

Love Riddles? Check out these!

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