If you are thirsty for some hilarious jokes, you won’t want to miss these camel jokes for kids! Each clean and funny punchline will have you spitting in laughter!

Do you find yourself feeling humdrum in the middle of the week? Jokes are the perfect cure! Our camel jokes for kids are just what you need to get over that hump and start cheering up! These dromedary jokes are so clever, you’ll have everyone laughing and laughing! Be sure to grab your camel jokes for kids today!
Our camel jokes for kids are completely family-friendly, so your kids can feel free to memorize them and repeat them! Their friends won’t desert them when they hear these knee-slapping jokes! For more fun animal jokes, ride on over to our mouse jokes for kids and bear knock knock jokes!
Do your kids love jokes?
Grab these fun joke cards for them to laugh at all the time! These make great lunch box jokes, joke card series, bedtime laughs, and more!
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The Best Camel Jokes for Kids

- Q: What is sweet and walks across a desert? A caramel.
- Q: How do you ask camels if they want some tea? One hump or two?
- Q: How does a camel go across the desert without going hungry? Because of all the sand-wiches there!
- Q: Where does a camel go after dinner? Straight for the desert trolley.
- Q: Why was Camel-lot famous? For its knight-life.
- Q: What did the camel say to the oasis? “I’ll never desert you.”
- Q: Why do camels blend in so well with their surroundings? They use camel-flage.
- Q: What’s Aladdin‘s favorite tea? Jasmine and camel-mile.
- Q: What do you call a camel that cries? A humpback-wail.
- Q: What did the camel say when he met his friend in the Sahara? “Long time no sea.”
- Q: What is a baby camel’s favorite nursery rhyme? “Hump-ty Dumpty.”
- Q: What’s the difference between Cleopatra and King Arthur? One had Camelot and the other had a lot of camels.
- Q: Why did the camel cross the road? Because there are no chickens in the desert.
- Q: How does a cool camel greet his buddies? “How you dune?”
- Q: What is a camel’s favorite day of the week? Hump Day!
- Q: What’s a camel’s favorite holiday carol? “Oh Camel, All Ye Faithful.”
- Q: What do you call a camel that looks the same from both directions? A palindromedary.
- Q: I tried riding a camel instead of a horse once. It had its ups and downs.
- Q: Where did the knight park his camel? Camelot.
- Riding a camel really isn’t as hard as they say it is. Once you get over the first hump, the rest is easy.

- Q: What’s the difference between a one-humped camel and a two-humped camel? A hump.
- Q: What do you call a camel you can’t see? A camo.
- Q: What do you call a camel with three bumps? Pregnant.
- Q: What do you call a camel with no humps? Humphrey (hump-free).
- Did you hear about the camel accused of stock fraud? He was guilty of a hump-and-dump scheme.
- A zookeeper called a coworker at home and said they were out of camel food. The zookeeper at home said, “Alpaca lunch.”
- Q: What’s different between riding a camel and a horse? Camel riding has its ups and downs.
- Q: What kind of camel throws a hissy fit when you milk it? A drama-dairy.
- Q: What is brown, hairy, lives in the desert, has four legs, two humps, and is full of concrete? A camel. We put in the concrete to make the riddle harder.
- Two camels are walking through the desert. One looks to the other and says, “I don’t care what anyone says. I’m thirsty.”
- Q: How does a camel take its coffee? With one or two lumps of sugar.
- Q: What did the director of the desert movie say? “Lights, camel-ra, action!”
- A woman rides through the desert on her camel. She drops her water bottle and her camel falls over and dies. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
- When you’re a camel, every day is hump day!
- Q: What does a camel use to hide? Camelflage.
- A camel can work all week without drinking. A man can drink all week without working.
- When I was a kid, a zookeeper caught me smoking a camel. I told him I’d kill a giraffe too if he didn’t keep his mouth shut.
- Q: What do you call a camel that ate its brother? Camelbalism!
- Q: What is a camel’s favorite nursery rhyme? Humpty Dumpty.
- Q: Why do camels say they leave a party early? “Because they get the hump.”

- Baby camel: “Mom, why do we have a lump on our back?” Mommy camel: “To store the water, my darling.” Baby camel: “Ah, and why do we have hooves?” Mommy camel: “To pass the hardest paths, my darling.” Baby camel: “And why do we have big eyelids?” Mommy camel: “To prevent the sand from entering our eyes, darling.”
- Baby camel: “Oh, OK, but then Mom, what are we doing in San Diego Zoo?”
- Q: What do you call a camel reciting Shakespeare? A drama-dary.
- Q: What did the camel say to the ostrich? Nothing, it can’t speak.
- Q: What do you call a frozen camel? Lost.
- Q: What do you call a humpless camel covered in plastic? Llamanated.
- Q: What is a camel’s favorite place to visit? Camel-bodia.
- “Life is like a camel, you can make it do anything but back up.” — Marcelene Cox
- One evening a camel is walking across the desert and he hears a coyote screaming. He walks towards the coyote and asks him; How come you coyotes are only screaming at night? The wolf replies: during the day you can see the cacti before sitting on it!
- Q: How do the cool camels say hello? How you dune?
- Let me get my camel-corder
- My favourite cheese is camel-bert, what’s yours?
- When the caravan (flock) was asked what it wanted for dinner, a camel replied ‘just deserts’.
- Q: Why was the camel always fed up of this partner? Because she was always giving him the hump!
- That camel is great at hiding. He’s a real camel-leon!
- The camel couldn’t fall asleep so he had some camel-mile tea.
- A camel’s favorite place to visit is Camel-bodia!
- If you cross a camel and a cow, you’ll end up with a very lumpy milkshake.
- The royal family of camels live in Camel-lot Castle!
- Don’t worry about it, camel take care of that!
- The latest fashion trend among camels is wearing s-calves!

- A camel’s favorite car is the Toyota Camelry.
- Camels love to pose for the camel-ra!
- When camels need medicine, they go to the fur-macy.
- A popular celebrity amongst camels is Camel-ron Diaz!
- You need to have passionate camelpaigners in your camp if you want to win the election!
- Two young camels went for a coffee at the roadside calf-e.
- The camel had to be airlifted by crane, it was a camel tow.
- The camel is very pessimistic. He sees everything as glass hoof empty.
- A camel looked at another camel and said, “I have never seen herbivore!”.
- That sleepy camel is still calf-asleep!
- A camel’s favorite sauce has got to be be-camel!
- The camel was very upset. He bought something from the black market and found out that he’d been s-camel-ed.
- Camels don’t really like dinner, but they love desert.
- That camel loves to gossip. She’s a real drama dairy.
- Q: Where would you find a camel in Roman Britain? Camulodunum
- Q: Why did the Bactrian camel decide to have an extra hump? Gobi or go home.
- Q: What is the best day to eat Camel meat? Wednesday
- Q: What do you call a camel that eats another camel? A camibal
- Q: What does a camel do on a pudding? Walks through the dessert.
- Q: Whats the difference between a camel and a college student? Camel can go daaaays without drinking.

What are your favorite camel jokes for kids? Share them in the comments so we can add them to the list!
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