Your whole family will go bananas for these hilarious banana jokes for kids! They are clean and appropriate for the whole family, so grab these jokes today for some side-splitting laughs!

If you love to tell funny jokes, you won’t be able to resist these ap-peel-ing banana jokes for kids! They are perfect for when you are monkeying around with family and friends! You’ll feel like the top banana as you share them and make everyone laugh and laugh!
Our banana jokes for kids are clean and family-friendly! You won’t need to worry about an awkward slip-up when your kids repeat them. They’ll love memorizing them and telling them over and over again! For more yummy, kid-friendly jokes, check out our cupcake jokes for kids and our donut jokes for kids!

Do your kids love jokes?
Grab these fun joke cards for them to laugh at all the time! These make great lunch box jokes, joke card series, bedtime laughs, and more!
Grab your set now! There are over 50+ pages of jokes included! This is a digital download, so it is easy! Just download, print, and enjoy!
The Best Banana Jokes for Kids

- Q: How do you catch a monkey? Climb a tree and act like a banana.
- Q: What did the banana say to the cat? Nothing. Bananas can’t talk!
- Q: What did the monkey say to the banana? Your Appealing
- Q: What do you call a banana that likes to dance? A banana shake!
- Q: What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear? Anything you want… he can’t hear you!
- Q: What key spends most of it’s time in the tree eating bananas? A monkey!
- Q: What kind of pie is Curious George’s favorite? Banana cream pie.
- Q: What’s invisible and smells like bananas? A fart of a monkey.
- Q: What type of key opens a banana? A mon-key!
- Q: What’s invisible and smells of bananas? Monkey breath!
- Q: What’s the difference between elephants and bananas? Bananas are yellow.
- Q: When do you know a banana wants to dance? When you see a banana shake!
- Q: Why aren’t bananas ever lonely? Because they come in bunches!
- Q: Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well.
- Q: Why did the banana go to the hospital? He was peeling really bad.
- Q: Why did the banana wear sunscreen? He didn’t want to peel!
- Q: Why did the wizard wear a yellow robe to the Halloween party? He was going as a banana!
- Q: Why do bananas use sun cream? Because they peel easily
- Q: Why were the apple and the orange all alone? Because the banana split
- Q: How do monkeys stay safe when they walk down the stairs? They hold on to the banana-ister.
- “I am going bananas!” That’s what I say to my bananas before I leave the house.

- Q: You need to be extra nice to bananas, you know why? You don’t want to hurt their peelings.
- Q: Why was the banana so upset? Someone mistook him for a plantain!
- Q: Why did the banana go out with the prune? Because he couldn’t find a date.
- Q: Why did the banana have to go to the hair salon? Because she had split ends.
- Q: What is the easiest way to make a banana split? Cut it in half.
- Q: What’s the best thing to put in a banana cream pie? Your teeth!
- Q: If a crocodile makes shoes, what does a banana make? Slippers!
- Q: What do you call a charismatic banana? A banana smoothie!
- Q: What kind of school do bananas go to? Sundae school.
- Q: What do you call solid gold bananas? A bunch of money.
- Q: What was Beethoven’s favorite fruit? Ba-na-na-naaaaa.
- Q: Why didn’t the banana student go to school? He told his parents that he wasn’t peeling well.
- Did you know that banana peel is supposed to be put under the controlled substance act? It can give you bad trips.
- Q: What’s yellow and goes 30 miles per hour? A banana in a washing machine (Ewwwww!)
- Q: What is the hippest kind of fruit? A bae-nae-nae.
- Q: Why do monkeys like bananas so much? Because they are very apeeling.
- Q: How can you easily spot an optimist? An older person buying green bananas.
- Q: What happens when you tell a banana a really funny joke? They break out into side-splitting laughter!
- Q: Why did the banana fail his driving test? He kept peeling out.
- Q: What do you do when you see a blue banana? Try to cheer it up.

- Q: Why couldn’t the police catch the banana? Because he split!
- Q: What is a banana’s favorite day of the week? Sundae
- Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
- Q: Why did the man lose his job in a fruit packing firm? He kept throwing the bent bananas away
- Q: What did the green banana think about the ripe banana? He was green with envy.
- Q: What do you call the period of time between slipping on a banana and landing on your butt? A bananosecond.
- Q: Why didn’t the banana cross the road? Because he was yellow.
- Q: How did the Mother Banana spoil the Baby Banana? She left him out in the sun too long.
- Q: Why was the banana so sick he had to go to the hospital? He had yellow mellow fever.
- Q: What do a banana and a helicopter have in common? Neither of them is a police officer.
- Q: Why did the banana get so many Valentine’s Day gifts? Because it was SO sweet.
- Q: Did you hear about the unlucky man who bought some bananas? They were empty.
- Q: What did the orange say to the green banana? You don’t look like you’re peeling well.
- Q: A hot dog and a banana had a race. Who won? The wiener.
- Q: Why don’t bananas snore? Because they don’t want to wake up the rest of the bunch.
- Q: What is a ghost’s favorite fruit? A boo-nana.
- Q: What is yellow on the inside and green on the outside? A banana dressed up as a cucumber.
- Q: What do bananas wear on their feet? A pair of slippers.
- Q: What did the banana do when he saw a monkey coming? He split.
- Q: What do you call a banana eating a banana? Canabananalism.

- Q: What’s worse than a monkey eating bananas? A monkey going bananas.
- Today I learned humans eat more bananas than monkeys. Weird. I can’t remember ever eating a monkey.
- Q: Where do bananas go shopping for clothes? Banana Republic.
- Q: What is yellow and goes bzzzzzz? An electric banana.
- How can you tell the difference between a monster and a banana? Try picking it up. If you can’t, it’s either a monster or a giant banana.
- Q: How does a banana answer the phone? “Yellow?”
- They’re not going to grow bananas any longer. Apparently, they’re long enough already.
- Q: What did one banana say to the other banana that she just met? Yellow, nice to meet you.
- Q: What is the easiest way to make a banana split? Show it out the door.
- Q: When will the trail mix have enough money to buy a map? After the banana chips in.
- Q: What’s yellow and always points north? A magnetic banana.
- Q: Why did they cancel the ice cream social? The banana split with the ice cream.
- Q: Why did the kid keep falling off his bike? It had a banana seat.
- Q: What’s yellow and used to write letters? A ball-point banana.
- Q: How is a banana peel on the floor like music? If you don’t C sharp you’ll B flat.
- Q: Want to hear a potassium joke? K.
- Q: Why was the plantain sent to the principal’s office? It went bananas during class.
- Q: Where do bananas like to go swimming? In a cereal bowl.
- Q: In what position was the banana during the Tour de France? He was riding with the peel-oton.
- Q: Which former politician loves bananas? Al Gore-illa.

- Q: Why couldn’t the banana yell high? Because it could only yel-low.
- Q: How do you catch King Kong? Hang upside down and act like a giant banana.
- Q: What happened when the banana team won the Fruit Championship? All the fans went bananas.
- Q: What did the orange say to his colleagues, a group of bananas, when they helped him fix his portfolio? I really needed this, thanks a bunch!
- Q: What did the motivating apple say to the banana who was making good life changes? I’m really proud of you, you’re taking a step in the ripe direction.
- Q: I’m really proud of you, you’re taking a step in the ripe direction. All the profits will be split equally among us.
- Q: Why did the banana decide to go to a salon after work? She had to get her split ends fixed.
- Q: Why was the banana’s mother upset when he played in the sun? She thought that he was growing up too fast.
- Q: How did the monkey get hurt at school? He accidentally tripped on the stairs and didn’t catch the banana-ster on time.
- Q: Why was the orange jealous of the banana? He was a part of the popular bunch.
- Q: Why didn’t the banana CEO listen to anyone else except his board of directors? He was the top banana.
- Q: Why was the banana hospitalized after he went to the doctor? They realized that he had yellow fever.
- Q: Why was everyone so upset with the banana for ruining the party? He split with the strawberry right in the middle.
- Q: What did the banana quiz contestant say when the presenter asked him if he was sure about one of his answers? I know I’m right; I can peel it in my soul.
- Q: What genre of books do banana peels prefer to read? Non-friction.
- Q: Why was the banana so popular? Everyone thought he was really sweet.
- Q: Why was Anna not allowed inside the convenience store? They caught her stealing a lot of fruits, so they had to ban Anna.
- Q: Why did a banana split from the scene? He noticed a monkey approaching.
- Q: Why don’t bananas snore when they’re sleeping? They’re scared that they’ll accidentally wake up the rest of the bunch.
- Q: Why was the banana lawyer so sad? His appeel was rejected by the court.

- Q: What did the monkey profess to the banana musician? Your tunes convey exactly what I peel.
- Q: Why did the banana peel want to buy the book directly from the bookstore, instead of the online store? He wanted to get a peel of the book.
- Q: Why did the old banana peel like working out more than what the doctor advised? He liked to peel the burn.
- Q: What did the banana peel do the minute he got his Christmas gift? He peeled off the wrapping paper.
- Q: What did the banana peel street gang do the minute they got wind of the cops coming? They peeled out into the main road on their motorbikes.
- Q: When should banana peels get married? At the ripe time.
- Q: Why did the banana peel not call for a mariachi band to play at brunch? Nobody from the rest of the bunch liked the idea.
- Q: Why does every banana bread prefer the cold weather? They don’t like it when it’s toasty.
- Q: Why does everyone think the banana bread is lazy? They just loaf around the neighborhood.
- Q: Why was the banana bread upset when his wife didn’t accept his baked gift? He didn’t expect her to reject his labor of loaf.
- Q: Why had the banana bread not sold any of his art? He was actually a crumby artist.
- Q: Why was the man sad over losing his banana bread business? He depended on it for his banana bread and butter.
- Q: What did the banana say to the kiwi? You’re the only one who has a kiwi to my heart.
- Q: If a man has six apples in one hand and eight bananas in the other, what has he got? Massive hands.
- Q: What is the favorite snack of the Super Mario Brothers? Banana-nana-nana.
- Q: If farmer A sells apples, farmer B sells bananas, what does farmer C sell? Medicine.
- Q: What is the chemical formula for a banana? BaNa 2
- Q: Why didn’t the banana cross the road? It can’t walk — it’s a banana, silly!
- My wife’s been on a banana diet. She hasn’t lost any weight, but you should see her climb trees now!
- I was driving down the road yesterday when I saw a banana skin in the middle of the road and instinctively swerved to avoid it. Thanks, Mario Kart.

- My boss accused me of “acting the monkey” at work. I almost choked on my banana.
- Q: Why was a woman so worried when there was an acute shortage of bread in the city? She didn’t know how she was going to put banana bread on the table for her two children.
- Q: What did the plantain say to the banana peel when the banana peel asked for a raise? I’m not sure if I can give it to you, your attendance record is a bit spotty.
- Q: What did the banana peel say to his kids when he realized someone had stolen the remote control? Whoever has stolen the control should ap-peel to my better nature, because right now it’s not looking good for anybody.

What’s your favorite banana joke? Share in the comments so we can add it to the list!
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